find out in which district of the Marne your commune is located with our interactive table

find out in which district of the Marne your commune is located with our interactive table
find out in which district of the Marne your commune is located with our interactive table

The first round of the legislative elections takes place on Sunday June 30. 577 parliamentary seats are at stake, including five in Marne. Marne is divided into five districts: Reims-Burgundy, Reims-Fismes, Épernay-Dormans, Châlons-Sainte-Ménehould and Vitry-le-François-Sézanne.

Candidates for the legislative elections had until Sunday June 16 to declare their candidacy. We now know the list of candidates in each of the department’s constituencies. The Marnais registered on the electoral lists are called to vote on June 30 for the deputy of the constituency to which they belong.

Before the vote, find out in which constituency your municipality is located. You can search for his name on the interactive table below. We have also indicated the name of the outgoing MP.

Reims, four districts

In the vast majority of cases, residents of the same municipality vote in the same constituency. But everything is not that simple. In Reims, residents of the same street sometimes vote in two different legislative constituencies. In total, the electoral division places the city of coronations in four districts. Here is the distribution according to the cantons, according to the National Assembly website.

  • First constituency: cantons of Reims 2, 4, 6 and 10
  • Second constituency: cantons 1, 3, 5, 8
  • Third constituency: canton 9
  • Fourth district: canton 4

To help you get your bearings, the interactive map of the City of Reims allows you to find out in which canton your polling station is located. The number is written inside the electoral card.



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