Legislative elections 2024: François Bayrou in support of Michèle Crouzet in Yonne

It is through a visit to the company Barré Bouillet in Villeneuve-sur-Yonne that François Bayrou began his regional support tour. In this company specializing in high-end personalized layout for businesses, the president of MoDem showed his interest in the stories of French SMEs and their managers.

Michèle Crouzet back in the countryside

But François Bayrou especially came to support the MoDem candidate for the third constituency of Yonne, Michele Crouzet. The one who was a deputy from 2017 to 2022 is going back into the campaign, despite a clear defeat two years ago against one of the figures of the National Rally.

Visit to the Barré Bouillet company in Villeneuve-sur-Yonne © Radio France
Renaud Candelier

“An idea that should worry everyone”, according to François Bayrou

“There is an idea that should worry everyone, with these two blocs, one dominated by the far right, the other by the far left”declares François Bayrou, “this risk is that, all at once, confidence in France is collapsing. And when confidence collapses, interest rates are exploding. Families will not be able to build a house, will no longer be able to buy household appliances or a car.”

Gautier Blanchard (alternate candidate), François Bayrou (president of MoDem) and Michèle Crouzet (candidate in the third constituency of Yonne)
Gautier Blanchard (alternate candidate), François Bayrou (president of MoDem) and Michèle Crouzet (candidate in the third constituency of Yonne) © Radio France
Renaud Candelier

Call to gather in the center

This fear pointed out by the representative of the presidential majority aims to discredit the two political blocs (RN and New Popular Front) given the lead in the polls. “I support the idea that all those who do not want these excesses come together and work together after the next election. Three blocs, two dangers, one gathering.”

“We must not give in, we must stand together in the battle against these extremes”adds Michèle Crouzet, “we must allow citizens to do better in our society. We have lost humanism, we have created communitarianism, which means that people no longer meet together. We want to allow everyone to find themselves in this center.”

This fight against the left and the far right, François Bayrou presents it, like Emmanuel Macron, as “me or chaos”. A formula that he refuses to repeat, but “this reality will impose itself. This will necessarily be the question of this election.”



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