the animal refuge of the saturated Ubaye valley

© Audacce/ portrait of Princess for adoption

SOCIETY / SOLIDARITY / An unprecedented, worrying situation, on the eve of the summer holidays

– Alpes de Haute Provence –

This is an unprecedented situation. The Ubaye Valley animal shelter, Audacce, is saturated. Based in Saint-Pons, it mainly manages dogs. As the summer holidays approach, a period when many abandonments unfortunately occur each year, the shelter’s boxes are full. For several weeks, almost daily, the shelter has been forced to refuse abandonment requests. He currently takes care of around fifty dogs compared to 30 to 35 animals usually.

A situation which is not specific to the association’s shelter, insists Michèle Javelle, the president, “ this is a phenomenon observed in many associations. There are fewer adoptions, so dogs stay longer and “block” places. THERE are also more cases of unwanted litters being taken in, which, although the law prohibits it, continue to be offered to individuals on social networks. All this leads to this situation “. If some owners can no longer take care of their animal financially, Michèle Javelle notes that there are also other factors, “There are associations without shelters which work mainly with host families. Obviously, these associations take care of easy and sociable dogs. Shelters are often found and here again, I insist, Audacce is not a special case, with complicated dogs. The time spent at the shelter is longer because there is time to regain confidence.”

“If we want to offer the dogs who are with us and who will perhaps end their lives there, the most pleasant living conditions, we need help”, Mr. Javelle

Sponsorship but also joining the association or even financial donations allow the association to carry out its missions. Donations of blankets, to keep them warm in winter, but also treats to help with education, are also welcome. You can find the profile of the dogs up for adoption on the Audacce website or on the Facebook page.



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