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In the Alpes-Maritimes, facing the LR candidate supported by the RN, Horizons chooses… a former advisor to Marine Le Pen – Libération

In the Alpes-Maritimes, facing the LR candidate supported by the RN, Horizons chooses… a former advisor to Marine Le Pen – Libération
In the Alpes-Maritimes, facing the LR candidate supported by the RN, Horizons chooses… a former advisor to Marine Le Pen – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024case

A head-on duel will pit Christelle D’Intorni, a loyal MP for Ciotti supported by the RN, against Gaël Nofri, a former FN member now with Horizons.

It’s a “funny” match that is being prepared in the fifth constituency of the Alpes-Maritimes. On the one hand, the outgoing LR MP, Christelle D’Intorni, who has the uniqueness of having been the only LR MP to have supported Eric Ciotti’s alliance with the National Rally. An LR, running Ciotti, now officially supported by Marine Le Pen’s party. Facing her, the Horizons party, founded in 2021 by former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, appointed Gaël Nofri, deputy to the mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi and for whom the borders between right and far right are also quite porous.

Former campaign director of Jean-Marie Le Pen

As indicated in the CV he kept on his own blog, Gaël Nofri was politically involved in the Nice right, before moving closer to the National Front in 2011. He is thus, according to his own CV, “political advisor to Marine Le Pen in public services” during the 2012 presidential election, then “project manager at the National Rally with Louis Aliot for the 2012 legislative elections” and finally “candidate for the 2012 legislative elections in the third constituency of the Alps -Maritimes”.

In 2012, during the 40th anniversary gala of the National Front, he appeared in a photo with Marion Maréchal-Le Pen. His proximity to the Le Pen family goes further, since he also



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