The Hermitain farm, near Niort, has received certification

The Hermitain farm, near Niort, has received certification
The Hermitain farm, near Niort, has received certification

Thursday June 20, Michèle and David Rousseau, live poultry breeders in the village of L’Hermitain, obtained the label from the Bienvenue à la ferme network, recognition of their local and quality breeding.

The couple created the Hermitain farm in 2015 and raises more than 25 breeds of laying hens: red, black, ash, Sussex, bare neck, Pekin, brahma, azur, wyandotte, silk negro… It’s a real festival of colors and sizes available to future buyers.

Asked to help preserve breeds

But breeding doesn’t stop there. In fact, they have been requested by several breed conservatories to help preserve the white and blue Bresse-Gauloise or even the Barbezieux chickens.

And to complete the range, they raise chickens, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quails and ducks.

In order to bring all these little people together and respect the rules for raising poultry (biosecurity), Michèle and David have created 21 enclosed production units with their own hands, made up of trees, shelters and water points. , like a giant campsite for gallinaceans where they live in complete safety and in the fresh air.

Present in fourteen markets

Poultry are sold on around 14 markets per month: Lezay, Saint-Maixent, Surgères, Rouillac, Lencloître, etc. As well as at the farm on Wednesdays, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., or by appointment.

For the end of year celebrations, the Hermitain farm offers takeaway meals cooked by them, with their finest poultry.

Everything is made on the farm, in their processing laboratory specially designed for this activity.

Michèle raises live poultry and preserves certain breeds of gallinaceae. CO

Why join Welcome to the Farm?

Joining a network allows you to gain visibility. It is also a guarantee of quality and proximity.

Indeed, member farmers undertake to be transparent about their production, to maintain links with the consumer, to share their know-how, while having sustainable practices. For the farmer who joins the network, it is also the opportunity to meet new people, to have new commercial outlets, such as the farm catering that Bienvenue à la ferme carries out at festivals. It is also a privileged link with the advisors of the Chamber of Agriculture and technical support for marketing or diversification projects. , explains Aurore Lamarche, short circuit and on-farm processing advisor, at the Charente-Maritime – Deux-Sèvres Chamber of Agriculture. To finish, we don’t forget to grow the network by labeling new producers .

Farmers interested in joining the network must contact Aurore Lamarche by email: [email protected]; or by telephone on 06 02 10 53 41.

All the events in Deux-Sèvres and Nouvelle-Aquitaine on the website: or on the Facebook page: Welcome to the Deux-Sèvres farm.



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