Twelve months for indecent actions in front of a Correctional Service Canada building

Twelve months for indecent actions in front of a Correctional Service Canada building
Twelve months for indecent actions in front of a Correctional Service Canada building

The events occurred on January 2. In the middle of winter, the individual “shaked his penis” in front of the federal agency building, according to the plot presented to the court by the Crown prosecutor, Me Frédéric Dupras.

On March 19, 2024, Tremblay also sent threats to two police officers who came to arrest him in a Subway restaurant where he was prohibited from meeting.

“Don’t touch me or I’ll beat the shit out of you,” the man said to the two officers. Before Judge Sonia Rouleau, Tremblay said he did not remember these events, but admitted them by pleading guilty.

“I don’t know what it is. My God. I have no memory of that and I greatly doubt it.”

— Richard Tremblay

On August 31, 2023, he also entered a residence in Jonquière. The owner who was nearby noticed that a man was in her house. Tremblay had time to empty a file cabinet onto the floor as well as some underwear that was in the drawer of a desk in the bedroom. The criminal was betrayed by his DNA, detected on a cigarette butt left behind.

20 years of respite

Richard Tremblay had been a young adult with an active criminal past. But for two decades he had stayed away from the court. Except that he resumed his bad habits in 2023.

“The last year and a half has not been a success,” said his lawyer, Me Sylvain Morissette, who mentioned that his client was “difficult to manage” by submitting the common suggestion of 12 months of detention. “He will have to find a way to live with the world.”

Recently, Tremblay was kicked out of a therapy home after a very short stay there. His roadmap is still full. In the past, he has already been sentenced to a penitentiary sentence.

“I hope you have the same period of calm for the next 20 years. This is what I wish for society. If you need help, there are plenty of organizations that can help you.”

— Judge Sonia Rouleau

Other violent crimes

On Monday, Tremblay settled 12 cases by entering a plea on 15 counts. Last February, he committed assault by attacking an acquaintance. The first time, he punched the woman in the back. Two weeks later, he threw himself on her.

On February 25, 2024, he stole various objects from Café Cambio in downtown Chicoutimi. He returned two days later to try to steal money from near the cash register. These crimes have caused concern among the staff of the small business.

On February 25, 2024, Tremblay stole various items from Café Cambio. (Sophie Lavoie/Le Quotidien)

In a joint victim statement, the manager of the place and the employees wrote that Tremblay’s comments were aggressive and malicious. These created a shockwave, as they were considered hurtful and frightening by staff.

The individual also admitted to other shoplifting and several breaches of conditions. Of the one-year sentence, there are nearly nine months remaining in the cell. Tremblay must also provide his DNA to the authorities.



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