in Paris, a pro-Palestinian evening planned in a municipal venue moved after criticism

in Paris, a pro-Palestinian evening planned in a municipal venue moved after criticism
in Paris, a pro-Palestinian evening planned in a municipal venue moved after criticism

Par Le Figaro with AFP

1 hour ago,

Update 37 minutes ago


The evening was organized by the association Urgence Palestine at the Flèche d’Or, a former Parisian concert hall. A poster calling for an Intifada for the liberation of Palestine sparked widespread criticism, prompting the collective managing the venue to cancel the evening.

A “evening of solidarity” towards the population of Gaza, organized Wednesday evening by the Urgence Palestine association in a cultural venue in Paris town hall, was moved after numerous criticisms aimed at a poster calling for«intifada ». “We are forced to cancel the “from Gaza to Paris” event”, which was to take place at the Flèche d’Or, the collective managing this former concert hall in eastern Paris announced late Tuesday. This place was bought at the end of the Covid-19 health crisis by the Paris town hall, which entrusted the keys to collectives “in the service of the neighborhood and social struggles”according to its website.

Tuesday, the deputy for culture of the PS mayor Anne Hidalgo, Carine Rolland (PS), indicated on X that she had been arrested “regarding a display inciting violence in connection with an event at the Flèche d’Or”. To a first poster inviting this “Solidarity evening”Urgence Palestine attached a second one representing a man with his face hidden by a traditional scarf and captioned: “until the total liberation of Palestine, Intifada”. “We refuse any appeal that could lead to excesses, whatever the origin. The period requires mobilization, resistance and calm”added Ms. Rolland.

“Hate of Israel and anti-Zionism”

Another PS deputy, Karen Taïeb, denounced “an incitement to hatred” and the “violence of images” Who “show hatred of Israel and virulent anti-Zionism, the seedbed of anti-Semitism in our country”. Contacted by AFP, the mayor of the 20th arrondissement Éric Pliez (related to PS) indicated that he “alert” The Golden Arrow of the “risks of such an event in the period”specifying however that the collective was “free from its programming”.

“Intifada means resistance, it’s revolt”defended Antoine Lrach, local facilitator of Urgence Palestine, to AFP, adding that the violence resided in the “tens of thousands of people being killed” in Gaza. Mr. Larche added that the meeting was being held, moved to a premises of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) which also belongs to the town hall. “The City rents premises to the CNT without obligation for the CNT, while the Flèche d’Or is a cultural project financed by the City. The links are therefore not at all the same”underlined Eric Pliez.




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