Sleeve. The Mona-Rigolet-II, future canoe of the SNSM of Goury, has arrived in Cherbourg

Sleeve. The Mona-Rigolet-II, future canoe of the SNSM of Goury, has arrived in Cherbourg
Sleeve. The Mona-Rigolet-II, future canoe of the SNSM of Goury, has arrived in Cherbourg


Ludivine Laniepce

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 8:13 p.m.

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It’s the boat that they were all waiting for and that they welcomed with a big smile.

This Monday June 17, 2024at 5:29 p.m., Mona-Rigolet-II entered the small harbor of the port of Cherbourg (Manche), after three days of navigation departing from Gujan-Mestras (Gironde).

Replaced in 2025

The future SNSM de Goury canoe will definitely be the property of the society of volunteers in a few days.

He has currently taken his place at Chantereyne alongside the Mona Rigoletin service for more than thirty years, which it is called upon to replace current 2025.

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From the Couach shipyard, in the Arcachon basin, the Mona-Rigolet-II had been awaited for years by volunteers. With its 17 meters long and 5 meters wide – more or less the equivalent of Mona RigoletThis offshore rescue vessel will allow volunteers to gain speed And in power.

He is one of the first ships launched by the Gironde construction site as part of the renewal program of the SNSM fleet. 140 of its boats must be replaced.

First in Cherbourg

THE Mona-Rigolet-II will be stationed in the port of Cherbourg for a few days, time for the volunteers to continue their handling of the ship or even to test your abilities traction.

The canoe will then be parked within the naval base from Cherbourg.

Our volunteers from Goury will come and take the ship there for their sea trips. We will lose intervention time, but we will gain some back at sea. It is time to finish the work on the Goury station to be able to welcome this new ship. We now hope for his arrival in Goury in September 2025.

Jean-Marie Choisy, the SNSM delegate in Manche

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