The King performs the Eid Al-Adha prayer at the Hassan II mosque in Tetouan

The King performs the Eid Al-Adha prayer at the Hassan II mosque in Tetouan
The King performs the Eid Al-Adha prayer at the Hassan II mosque in Tetouan

On his arrival at the mosque, the Sovereign reviewed a detachment of the Royal Guard which was rendering honors.

After the Eid prayer, the Imam indicated in his sermon the deep meanings of Eid Al Adha which crowns the first ten days of Di Al Hijja during which Muslims strengthen their faith in God and give thanks to Him for the numerous benefits with which He bestowed upon them, noting that this festival is a gift from the divine through which unity, fraternity, mutual aid and solidarity between Muslims are manifested.

Stressing that the Almighty had blessed the Kingdom of Morocco with the Institution of Imarat Al-Mouminine, the Imam affirmed that the King, Amir Al-Mouminine, was able to make Morocco a prosperous nation thanks to the projects structuring initiatives that He launched and which raised the Kingdom among the Nations and made it a model at the regional and international levels.

The Imam further noted that the King, above all else, ensures the exercise of worship and the consecration of its values ​​and precepts.

The Imam concluded by imploring the Most High to preserve HM the King, Amir Al-Mouminine, to crown His actions with success for the good of His faithful people and to fulfill Him in the persons of Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, Prince Moulay Rachid and all the members of the Illustrious Royal Family.

He also raised prayers for the repose of the souls of the late Sovereigns, the late King Mohammed V and the late King Hassan II, may God welcome them in His Holy Mercy.

Subsequently, the King proceeded with the ritual of sacrifice, following the tradition of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed, peace and blessings be upon Him. Thereupon, the Imam of the mosque proceeded to immolate the second sheep.



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