President Bassirou Diomaye Faye pays tribute to the Senegalese for their sacrifice

President Bassirou Diomaye Faye pays tribute to the Senegalese for their sacrifice
President Bassirou Diomaye Faye pays tribute to the Senegalese for their sacrifice

President Faye began by having a moving thought for those who celebrated Eid Kabir, commonly called “Tabaski” in Senegal, last year and are no longer with us, praying for their clemency and mercy in paradise. He stressed that this festival was not only “a celebration of sacrifice but also an act of submission to divine will, a submission which reflects the commitment to democracy and the republican values ​​of Senegal. »

The Head of State expressed his gratitude to God and stressed that “submission to just law is essential to ensure social serenity and tranquility.” The President also asked for forgiveness from the Islamic community and called “to grant forgiveness to those who may have unintentionally offended.” »

Another salient point of his speech was the magnification of the traditional spirit of solidarity within the Senegalese community, both local and diasporic. He encouraged the perpetuation of this spirit of active solidarity towards all communities, emphasizing its importance in relieving fathers of families in the face of religious and family obligations.

“This solidarity relieves many fathers in this period of great anxiety in relation to the divine obligation that is prescribed. And also in relation to their family who awaits them especially with many obligations this period. This is why there are no small acts. There is no act that is so great that we cannot measure its scope. The importance is that everyone understands to what extent active solidarity in renewed fraternity can be a guarantee of relief for these fathers of families who often have great difficulty in carrying out their Abrahamic rituals,” said he indicated.

Finally, the Head of State welcomed the “social climate of peace, serenity, harmony and national cohesion which currently reigns in the country. He affirmed his commitment to work hard to sustain this favorable atmosphere, also opening the way for discussions on the reforms necessary to achieve national objectives. »
solidarity, submission and national cohesion, offering a positive vision for the future of Senegal in a climate of peace and unity.




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