1,500 bikers expected Sunday June 23 in Laval, for a good cause

1,500 bikers expected Sunday June 23 in Laval, for a good cause
1,500 bikers expected Sunday June 23 in Laval, for a good cause

Bikers Have Heart 53 are organizing their annual meeting this Sunday, June 23, 2024 in Laval. Several highlights are scheduled. Update with Sylvain Nicolas, president of the association.

What is happening on Sunday June 23, 2024?

This is our 22e annual meeting at Boston Square, where Bikers Have Heart 53 mobilize. Everyone contributes €16, a price including breakfast (served from 7:30 a.m.), lunch, drink on arrival and souvenir glass. Every year, electronic promises are made for donations of blood, bone marrow and human tissues.

How many people are expected?

We welcome a maximum of 1,000 motorcycles, for authorization reasons (prefecture and Vigipirate plan), or around 1,500 bikers, coming from Mayenne and neighboring departments. The latter will travel through Mayenne, divided into groups of 125 motorcycles (eight circuits of 160 to 180 km), where we cross various communes. A team (15 to 20 motorcycles) directs and secures each convoy. First departure at 9 a.m., subsequent departures every 10 minutes.

What happens next?

Around 11 a.m., once the motorcycles have left the square, we set up an exhibitors’ village, until 7 p.m. The Departmental Union of Volunteer Blood Donors of Mayenne, France Adot 53, motorcycle and motorcycle equipment exhibitors, a food truck, etc. will be present.

We block off downtown Laval at 4:30 p.m. The Mayenne vintage vehicle enthusiasts do a 3 km circuit in vintage cars and motorcycles, followed by the motorcycles which will do two laps, before returning to the square. Registrations have been closed since June 9 but there may be places left at the last minute (without the meal).

More information on www.lesmotardsontducoeur53.fr; contact: 07 70 41 86 41.



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