“The new lead yielded nothing”, the nurse’s husband could be tried for murder in early 2025

“The new lead yielded nothing”, the nurse’s husband could be tried for murder in early 2025
“The new lead yielded nothing”, the nurse’s husband could be tried for murder in early 2025

The Toulouse Court of Appeal is considering this Thursday, June 20, the case of Delphine Jubillar, this young woman, who disappeared in December 2020, and whose husband suspected of murder has been incarcerated since June 2021. The judges will examine the result of new investigations and referral of the suspect to court.

The trial of Cédric Jubillar could be held in the first half of 2025. The Toulouse Court of Appeal takes control this Thursday in the case of the disappearance of his wife Delphine. The husband is the only suspect in this case.

Cédric Jubillar, this 37-year-old plaster painter, has been in detention since his indictment on June 18, 2021 for the murder of his wife, Delphine, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020. He is suspected of having made the body disappear which was never found.

More than three years after her disappearance, additional investigations are still underway to find Delphine Jubillar, missing since the night of December 15 to 16, 2020.


Following a suspicious conversation between an inmate at Lannemezan prison (Hautes-Pyrénées) and his mother discussing the affair, the court of appeal ordered in February 2024 to explore this new avenue: “The checks were carried out and nothing came of it. The conclusions were handed over to the investigating judges in April”a source close to the investigation told AFP.

Read: Delphine Jubillar affair: new searches were carried out in an area already searched after the disappearance of the young woman

Delphine Jubillar, nurse and mother of two young children, aged 2 and 6 at the time, disappeared at the end of 2020 in Tarn, in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. Aerial, underground searches, in lakes and rivers were carried out by the gendarmes and the army around the village of Cagnac-les-Mines where the family lived, to try to find his body.

Her husband Cédric, who had reported the disappearance, was indicted on June 18, 2021 and imprisoned. Since then he has maintained his innocence. His lawyers repeatedly pleaded for his release, due to lack of irrefutable evidence of his guilt, but appeals were systematically rejected. Trial delayed by the opening of a further investigation.

In this case without a body, no confession, no witness, no crime scene, the investigators are nevertheless convinced that Cédric Jubillar is the author of the crime. On November 21, 2023, the investigating judges decided to send the defendant back to the Tarn Assize Court, to be tried for murder.

“From the moment there is no body, it must be demonstrated that there is no other possible hypothesis. The open avenues are closed”, underlines a judicial source. The magistrates of the court of appeal will therefore look this Thursday at additional information on the appeal of the order and the referral to the assizes of Cédric Jubillar.

According to a judicial source, the trial of Cédric Jubillar could now be scheduled for the first half of 2025.



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