LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: “We do not promise mountains and wonders like the extremes do”, insists Gabriel Attal

LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: “We do not promise mountains and wonders like the extremes do”, insists Gabriel Attal
LIVE – Legislative elections 2024: “We do not promise mountains and wonders like the extremes do”, insists Gabriel Attal

“We do not promise mountains and wonders like the extremes do,” insists Gabriel Attal

Guest of RTL this Monday morning, the Prime Minister continued his simultaneous offensive against the New Popular Front and the National Rally, now allied with Eric Ciotti’s Republicans.

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“Today there are three choices”began Gabriel Attal. “There is the alliance led by La France insoumise, there is the alliance led by the National Rally, the extremes, which would be a catastrophe first of all in terms of the social climate in the country, because it is the division at all levels, conflict at all levels, but also a catastrophe for the economy and for employment”, he crushed his adversaries on both sides of the political spectrum. And point “an unfunded program of several hundred billion euros on each side which would result in a drain on our middle classes, for our retirees, with tax increases.” “We are serious, credible, when we say things, we do them. […] We don’t promise mountains and wonders like extremes”did he declare.

Gabriel Attal has thus set up camp, “that of the candidates Together for the Republic”as the only one capable “to prevent the extreme right or the extreme left from winning”. “In a few dozen [de circonscriptions]this is not the case and at this time, we are supporting another candidate”, however, clarified the head of government. The macronie has in fact decided not to nominate candidates in around sixty constituencies.

A decision which applies in particular in the constituency where the former head of state, François Hollande, is running under the colors of the Popular Front. “The former president is a candidate in the France Insoumise alliance, and so obviously it is not this alliance that we want to see win for the country. There are other candidates in the constituency more likely to avoid the victory of the RN”he clarified before supporting LR candidate Francis Dubois, not aligned with the flame party.

Gabriel Attal, Prime Minister.


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