Tenant rights: an organization censored by Quebec?

Tenant rights: an organization censored by Quebec?
Tenant rights: an organization censored by Quebec?

The Regroupment of Housing Committees and Tenant Associations of Quebec (RCLALQ) denounces an attempt to censor their site by the office of the Minister of Housing and the office of the Ministry of Justice.

• Read also: Tenants’ rights: a new site for help

• Read also: Airbnb tenants squat in apartment and demand eviction notice to leave

The organization has launched a website to help tenants have easy access to information on their rights. However, RCLALQ spokesperson Cédric Dussault explains that the Ministry of Justice asked to remove a section of the site.

“We received a communication from the Ministry of Justice which asked us to remove the section which talks about the dysfunction of the Administrative Housing Tribunal. We do not have direct confirmation, but we assume that this request arrived following pressure from the Ministry of Housing,” said the spokesperson in an interview with LCN.

The organization also denounces a possible threat of reimbursement of funding for their website to the Ministry of Justice, if the section is not withdrawn.

“During our request for funding, we were very clear that one of the reasons for the existence of the site is that the Administrative Housing Tribunal does not properly fulfill its mandate of informing tenants of their rights,” added Mr. Dussault.

The RCLALQ spokesperson wants the Quebec government to respect the autonomy of community groups.

To see the full interview, watch the video above.




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