Legislative elections 2024. Twenty-eight candidates in the five constituencies of Doubs

The large district of Planoise is part of this constituency.

1time constituency: the same, or almost

The three candidates who came out on top on the evening of 1er turn in the 2022 legislative elections are again in the running in the 1er Doubs constituency (Besançon/Saint-Vit). Two years ago, Laurent Croizier (Modem), the presidential majority candidate, won on the evening of the second round with 51.88% of the votes cast. facing Séverine Véziès (LFI), the candidate of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes). Both will face each other again.

No candidate The Republicans

L’Insoumise, candidate of the New Popular Front, obviously knows that, if we add up the results of the four parties PS-LFI-EELV-PCF, the union of the left came first in this constituency on June 9. This was also the case during the 1er round of the 2022 presidential election.

The outgoing MP is counting on the gathering, beyond just the Macronist camp, of “moderate and responsible people“. In any case, he will not have to face any opponent from the Republicans. The Annie Genevard camp has in fact decided not to field any candidate in this constituency, so as not to harm the elected official Modem, former running mate of LR Jacques Grosperrin in Besançon. Which one specifies it?: it is a support for the man of whom he underlines “intellectual honesty”, not to his political party nor to Emmanuel Macron who “brought France to its knees“. The stated objective: block the RN and “the agreement of shame» from the left.

Other declared candidates were also already engaged two years ago. Nicole Friess, systematically a Lutte Ouvrière candidate in this constituency for 20 years, obtained 1.12% of the votes in 1er round. Marielle Pernin, Ecology at the center, had collected 2.87% of the votes. As for the regional advisor Thomas Lutz, the RN candidate, had come close to 18% – knowing that a few days ago, during the European elections, the National Rally list obtained 28.5% of the votes in this constituency.

Some candidates were not in the running in this “circo» in 2022. This is the case of Alain Ruch, a retired librarian from Bison who appeared on the NPA list for Europeans, and of Élisa Moré.

Ornans is one of the municipalities of this 2e constituency.

2e constituency: a new castin (well almost)

Everything has changed, or almost, in two years, casting-wise, in this 2e Doubs constituency (Besançon/Ornans). In 2022, it is Éric Alauzet, the outgoing deputy who wore the colors of the presidential majority. He won at the end of the second round with 52.25 % of votes cast. Invested by his party, Renaissance, from the start of the week, Éric Alauzet however announced on Thursday that he was withdrawing in favor of Benoit Vuillemin, the mayor of Saône (who really wanted it).

A former minister

Change of leadership, also, on the union side of the left. During the last legislative elections, it was Stéphane Ravacley, a Bison baker who had become famous – but who was not yet national secretary of the PS – who was invested by Europe ecologie les Verts within the framework of Nupes. He had been beaten at the end of the duel on 2e round. This year, it is Dominique Voynet, former minister of the environment who was invested by EELV and who, therefore, is campaigning for the New Popular Front – which, if we add up the scores of its four main parties, came first on the 9th June in this constituency.

The Republicans – those of Annie Genevard, not those of Éric Ciotti – have also found a new candidate for these legislative elections. Exit Chafia Kaoulal who had collected 10.80 % of votes. It is his replacement for 2022, Daniel Roy, deputy mayor of Malbrans who will present this year the program of “the republican right» and the New Center.

Some of the candidates from two years ago are still there, however. This is the case of Brigitte Vuitton (Workers’ Struggle) which had collected 1.93 % of votes at 1er round. This is also the case for Eric Fusis. The National Rally candidate arrived in 3e position with 17.49 % of the votes in 2022 but this time he undoubtedly has in mind the score of the RN in the last European elections, i.e. almost 27 % in this constituency.

Montbéliard, central city of the 3rd district.

Montbéliard, city center of the 3e constituency.

3e constituency: an LR-RN agreement

The absence of a representative LR historical channel confirms the validity, in the 3e Doubs constituency, of the RN-LR agreement. Since the LR mayor of Colombier-Fontaine, Matthieu Bloch, therefore leaves with the support of the RN. He who refrains from affixing the LR logo to his electoral propaganda competes under the name “Republicans on the right“. And intends in particular to rely on a certain number of LR elected officials from the municipal business team in Montbéliard, the central city. Coming from the Ciotti line, he however denies being far-right.

What about his deputy Quentin Touzalin, ex-LR, at the head of a landscaping company in Bart? Some of his tweets in 2021 call to vote for Reconquest, Eric Zemmour’s party. They will face competition on their right from a last-minute candidacy from the sovereignist right led by Brandon Kemps. They will face outgoing deputy Nicolas Pacquot (Horizons), elected by 451 votes in 2022 against the RN. Which, under pressure in this context of union of the rights, will try to assert its experience and its record. While relying on her various left substitute, Laure Thiebaut, deputy mayor PS of Baume-les-Dames.

On the left, the new Popular Front has renewed the same candidates as in 2022, namely the mayor of Randevillers Virginie Dayet and the PCF regional councilor Matthieu Guinebert as substitute. A little further to the left, under the LO banner, Franck Plain leaves for a spin.

That’s a total of five applicants. They were nine in June 2022.

Audincourt, center town of the constituency, a left-wing stronghold which is increasingly voting RN.

Audincourt, center town of the constituency, a left-wing stronghold which is increasingly voting RN.

4e constituency: the outgoing RN facing the others

No last minute surprises in 4e Doubs constituency. The outgoing RN deputy Géraldine Grangier, who in 2022 seized this stronghold long held by the left, but fell by the split made with the rallying of the ex-socialist Frédéric Barbier to the presidential majority, will race alone against all.

In the notable absence of a representative of the Republicans (LR), she will find facing her a former LR, the mayor of Valentigney, Philippe Gautier, now part of Horizons and who will carry the ambition of the presidential majority, with at his side the mayor of Brognard, Gladys Deuscher.

The union of the left, which had nominated an LFI candidate in 2022, invested, this time, a PS ticket, certainly much better established in the territory. The socialist vice-president of Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, mayor of Exincourt and departmental councilor, Magali Duvernois, is involved with an experienced politician, the former PS senator and mayor of Audincourt, Martial Bourquin.

We find, as in 2022, MIchel Treppo, worker at Stellantis Sochaux, in the colors of LO. As well as Yves Vola, the environment deputy of Mayor LR of Belfort, who is back in action in this constituency in which he carried, in 2022, the banner of the Independent Environmental Movement. Thus bringing the number of candidates on the starting line to five, compared to twice as many two years ago.

There are six candidates running for deputy in this constituency.

There are six candidates running for deputy in this constituency.

5e constituency: can Annie Genevard waver?

An electoral land anchored to the right, Haut-Doubs did not escape the RN wave during the European elections. Jordan Bardella recorded 28% of the votes in Pontarlier and more than 26% in Morteau, the stronghold of Annie Genevard. The latter announced that she would seek a fourth term as deputy, under the Les Républicains label. But can the psychodrama playing out within his party have repercussions at the local level? The voters will decide.

The youngest candidate is 18 years old

Florianne Jeandenand will carry the hopes of the National Rally. In 2022, the party had abandoned the field to bet everything on the aura of its boss, Marine Le Pen. Without success since Mathilde Jury finished in 4th position (14.61%). What will happen for these legislative elections?
The fight promises to be complicated but not impossible for Matthieu Cassez, leading figure of the New Popular Front. In 2022, Martine Ludi narrowly missed the second round, bringing Nupes to nearly 19%, an unprecedented score for the left. Sonya Morrisson had made 1.19%, she is still representing herself under the Force Ouvrière banner.
On the side of the presidential camp, it is the young Lucas Boillot who has been invested and who takes over from the mayor of Frasne, Philippe Alpy, candidate of Ensemble! two years ago. There will be even younger with Nolann Laurent. At the age of 18, he embarked on the adventure by creating the Democratic and Republican Generation movement.



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