“A dissolution is being prepared, and especially not in emotion”: in Montpellier, the political lessons of Nicolas Sarkozy

“A dissolution is being prepared, and especially not in emotion”: in Montpellier, the political lessons of Nicolas Sarkozy
“A dissolution is being prepared, and especially not in emotion”: in Montpellier, the political lessons of Nicolas Sarkozy

At the invitation of the Mozart Circle, the former President of the Republic delivered his analyzes of the political situation. We attended the meeting.

“No no no !”. Nicolas Sarkozy could not have been clearer. As President of the Republic, he would not have dissolved the National Assembly. “It’s a risk of disorder and unnecessary tension”explained the former head of state in front of some 500 people gathered this Tuesday, June 25 at the invitation of the Cercle Mozart at the headquarters of the Cap Santé Group, in Saint-Jean-de-Védas.

And Nicolas Sarkozy argues. The calendar ? “It’s clearly not the right one, we can’t do that before the Olympics”.  Le timing ? “Never an evening of defeat. A dissolution is prepared, and especially not in emotion”he estimated, remembering the dissolution of 1997, “a madness”he was then in the front row.

How does he see the future for the country? “Less caution, less single thought, and above all fewer moral lessons, it’s unbearable! The argument of the Republican arc is stupid. We cannot on the one hand authorize people to present themselves and the other deems them morally unacceptable. It’s up to the people to decide!”insisted the former President, protesting against the attitude of certain school directors who would not apply the laws if the RN were to win the elections on July 7. “I don’t agree. If they are not happy, let them resign, the law is made to be applied by everyone.”

“Let them resign!”

Should we turn the page on the Fifth Republic and move on to the Sixth? The question hit home.

If Nicolas Sarkozy is not opposed to changes to the Constitution, he is not in favor of the Grand Soir. “I am committed to the election of the President of the Republic by the French and to the fact that the last word belongs to the representatives of the French elected by the people”.

And what role could he play? He promises that he will not be at the forefront, in other words, there is no question of falling back into the political cauldron. “I can help to calm down, to bring people together, I love the French”insisted Nicolas Sarkozy, continuing by way of advice to those who would commit to serving France. “Politics is about taking risks, having convictions, going to the end. You have to go to the end!” The start of a program…



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