Morbihan: they walked 100 kilometers at 6 km/h

Morbihan: they walked 100 kilometers at 6 km/h
Morbihan: they walked 100 kilometers at 6 km/h


Céline Ravaudet

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 11:36 a.m.

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His feet still bear the scars of that weekend of walk, but in a few days, it will be ancient history. Nadine Daniel, 64, from Camors in Morbihan, is happy to have succeeded in the challenge she set for herself: to succeed in her Audax 100 kilometers patent.

What is Audax walking?

Endurance walks and Audax walks are regularity walking tests over long distances at a controlled pace. The Audax pedestrian certificates are approved events taking place over distances of 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, or 150 km. They are carried out in groups, on the road, road or path, at an average speed of 6 km/h.

At constant speed

A long-time sportswoman, she has walked with the local club, “Sentiers vous bien”, since its creation, twice a week: once in Nordic walking and once in Audax on Thursdays every 15 days, “where there, we go on a 25 km circuit, prepared by Jean-Jacques Corbel,” she explains.

Little practiced in the region (Camors is the only club which offers an Audax section in Morbihan), this type of walking is different since it is practiced without poles and at constant speed (6 km/h).

Practitioners also have the possibility of obtaining certificates. In 2019, Nadine completed her 50 km in Fouesnant. In 2022 she completed the 75 km in Rochefort en Terre.

My goal was to pass the 100. I thought I had the mentality to do it and somewhere I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of it.”

Nadine Daniel

Successful bet

100 kilometers on foot, this is not trivial! “When I do 80 on my bike, I already do a big loop,” points out Bertrand, her husband, who accompanied her on several points of the circuit, to make sure that everything was going well. And she did it! “I don’t really realize that it’s a lot,” admits Nadine, who would be ready to start walking again if her feet weren’t damaged…

Videos: currently on Actu
Nadine, 64 years old, brilliantly succeeded in her challenge! ©La Gazette du Center Morbihan

We wonder what his secret is…? She explains that she simply maintained the rhythm of usual training, always associated with a healthy lifestyle. “And two weeks before, we did two longer outings (45 km) to Quiberon and Guidel. »

Leaving Elliant at 2 p.m. (June 1), the group of 47 participants arrived at 10:40 a.m. the next day, “with 3 hours and 20 minutes of breaks along the way to eat, change and rest. » He walked “99% on the road”, and also night with the headlamp. A new experience for Nadine: “It’s surprising and different. Everyone is focused, no one is talking. »

With the four other licensees from the Camors club (Paulette de Locminé, Michel de Bignan), Guy de Pluvigner and Jean-Pierre d’Hennebont), their goal was to complete the event together, and they succeeded. . “The last 25 kilometers were a little harder for me on the feet, but otherwise, it went well,” adds Nadine, who loved the atmosphere.

She strongly encourages people to come and join the group “because it’s an activity that clears your head and gives you a boost!” »

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