What will a center-right government change for Belgians? “A lot of things, especially on employment”, estimates Jean-Marie Dedecker (N-VA)

What will a center-right government change for Belgians? “A lot of things, especially on employment”, estimates Jean-Marie Dedecker (N-VA)
What will a center-right government change for Belgians? “A lot of things, especially on employment”, estimates Jean-Marie Dedecker (N-VA)

Jean-Marie Dedecker (N-VA), federal deputy and mayor of Middelkerke was in front of Buxant this Sunday lunchtime.

This Sunday, Jean-Marie Dedecker, federal deputy and mayor of Middelkerke, was the guest of Martin Buxant in the program “Face à Buxant”. Satisfied with the result of the last elections, the N-VA mayor returned to the things “which will change” after last Sunday’s election.

Quite direct in the face of questions from our journalist Jean-Marie Dedecker admits to having been “surprised” to see that his party had resisted the Vlaams Belang, which everyone announced as the big winner of these elections. “I even thought they were going to make 30%“, he admits. “I think they ultimately failed for two reasons: because of the debates on television, and the fact that we have Bart De Wever who is above the rest“.

The Walloon vote, a “miracle”

At home, Francophones allowed the center and the right to prevail in these elections. A “miraculous” vote, according to the mayor of Middelkerke. “We thought that the PTB was going to emerge victorious, but it was quite the opposite. Georges-Louis Bouchez is the man who was missing at the Open Vld to stay in power.”

With the victory of the N-VA and the MR in Wallonia, Jean-Marie Dedecker expects change. “This will change a lot of things for people, particularly in terms of employment and migration. We are going to work on time-limited unemployment. As Georges-Louis Bouchez said, half of the city of Charleroi is unemployed, we will have to move forward on this“.

He also pleads for there to be fewer civil servants, to be able to put long-term sick people back to work as well as to limit immigration.

Facing Buxant



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