Marie-Caroline Le Pen candidate for the RN in Sarthe…

Marie-Caroline Le Pen candidate for the RN in Sarthe…
Marie-Caroline Le Pen candidate for the RN in Sarthe…

Attal promises an increase in the Macron bonus, Bayrou cautious

In the center, after the rout of the Europeans and the “stunning” of the dissolution, the majority is trying to remobilize little by little under the leadership of Gabriel Attal.

On purchasing power, the first theme put forward by the French, the Prime Minister promised several measures on Saturday in the event of his camp’s victory: a reduction in electricity bills of 15% “from next winter” or an increase in the amount of the so-called “Macron” bonus, paid by companies to their employees. “I do not believe that announcing additional spending is the answer,” however, warned Sunday on LCI the president of the MoDem François Bayrou, ally of the majority.

Environmentalists support Aurélien Le Coq

After the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens, accused of domestic violence, Marine Tondelier’s party supports “in accordance with the agreement” the candidate finally nominated by LFI Aurélien Le Coq, rather than Amy Bah.

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The Earth Uprisings want the RN “not to be able to implement its program”

The Earth Uprisings collective called on Sunday to take actions so that the National Rally (RN) “cannot apply its program” in the event of coming to power and wants to launch “a campaign of actions against the Bolloré group “. “If the RN is in power we will immediately have to ensure that it cannot implement its program”, writes on its website the radical environmentalist movement, notably known for its opposition to “mega-basins” and the motorway. A69.

In this hypothesis, he suggests to his supporters to discuss the possibility of “targeted blockades” and “taking of roundabouts everywhere in France from July 8”. Another avenue considered: “prevent, in the event of the RN being elected, that the Olympic Games ensure, under the eyes of the whole world, the consecration of a fascist government. »

Jordan Bardella confirms wanting to “eventually” privatize public broadcasting if the RN comes to power

The boss of the RN Jordan Bardella confirmed on Sunday that he wanted to “ultimately” privatize public broadcasting if the RN comes to power after the legislative elections. “The ambition that we have for the presidential election remains relevant, that of ultimately privatizing public broadcasting to save money (…) Obviously, that cannot be done in 24 hours,” declared Jordan Bardella on France 3. He also announced that he wanted to abolish the unemployment insurance reform.

Manuel Bompard judges the candidacy of François Hollande “incongruous and incoherent”

The national coordinator of LFI believes that the former president is “certainly not” the right candidate for Matignon.

“France must intervene to stop the massacre” in Gaza

Jean-Luc Mélenchon insists on the “recognition of Palestine” and condemns the Israeli government. On Hamas, “when we massacre people at a rave party, it is a terrorist act”.

“I think there is a difference between Zelensky and Putin, there is one who crossed the border of the other,” clarifies Jean-Luc Mélenchon

It details the three elements of the position of the New People’s Front on Ukraine: “Provide the equipment that allows Ukraine to defend itself, place Blue Helmets around the power plants” and launch “diplomatic initiatives so that we stop the war “.

“It is in the polls and in democracy that we trust”

Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not want to address a possible victory for the RN, stressing that Jordan Bardella has just presented a program “in the continuity of Emmanuel Macron” on the economic level.

“I will never be the problem”, “always on the side of the solution”

“If you think that I should not be Prime Minister, I will not be,” declared Sunday on France 3 the leader of the Insoumis Jean-Luc Mélenchon, specifying that “it is up to the political parties which constitute the coalition » from the left to “make the right decision”. “People kept saying for days and days that I was divisive. I was accused of everything and anything, anti-Semitism, this, that (…). I will never be the problem, I will always be on the side of the solution,” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon defends the withdrawal of the nominations of Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière

“We would not have invested François Ruffin and Clémentine Autain either” if there were really “purges” at LFI, defends Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “And me, am I complaining about being purged? “, points out the left leader, “the victory of the Popular Front first, my person afterwards”, he insists, recalling that LFI must deal with 100 fewer constituencies.

“Tour reinforcement is welcome” says Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the support of François Hollande

“This is the life of democracy”, “if we start again with words that hurt we will never be able to win, I throw the resentment into the river and I hope he does the same”.

Adrien Quatennens was “ostracized” according to Jean-Luc Mélenchon

The leader of LFI asks Amy Bah to withdraw her candidacy in favor of Aurélien Le Coq.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon confides “his pain” at the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens

“It is to his credit, it’s extraordinary,” said the leader of LFI on France 3 about the announcement of the former candidate for the legislative elections. Jean-Luc Mélenchon admits that “it’s too fresh” to express himself on the subject “without risking uttering unfortunate words”. He calls for forgiveness.

Marie-Caroline, sister of Marine Le Pen, candidate in Sarthe

Jean-Marie Le Pen’s eldest daughter joined the FN at a very young age. She had followed Bruno Mégret, founder of the MNR and support of Eric Zemmour, during the split of the National Front in 1998.

Across the Channel, we are also preparing to vote

Between the two rounds of the French elections, the United Kingdom will also vote, on July 4, for its legislative elections. While the Conservatives have been in power since 2010, the House could radically change color. And Rishi Sunak’s days in Downing Street seem numbered.

Two thirds of British people think he is a bad Prime Minister, a proportion which has more than doubled since he came to power at the end of October 2022, according to the polling institute YouGov. And since he called the elections, his campaign has turned into an ordeal: poor polls despite promises of tax cuts, entry into the race of anti-immigration candidate Nigel Farage, who could overtake the Conservatives, and repeated blunders.

Amy Bah submits her application

Despite LFI’s call to “withdraw any dissident candidacy”, after the inauguration of Aurélien Le Coq in place of Adrien Quatennens, the feminist Amy Bah, supported by Martine Aubry, submitted her candidacy for the 1st constituency of North.

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Does the ghost of 2002 haunt young people?

This weekend, thousands of people marched against the far-right at the call of the unions. In the processions, many young people, some of whom were not born in 2002, when Jean-Marie Le Pen entered the second round of the presidential election. A date that still speaks to them? Our journalist Gilles Durand asked them the question in the Lille procession.

Lionel Jospin criticizes the dissolution and supports the New Popular Front

Former socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin on Sunday gave his support to the New Popular Front and criticized Emmanuel Macron who, with the dissolution, “offers the National Rally the opportunity to seek power”. “By now calling the legislative elections, the president is offering the National Rally the opportunity to seek power in France. It’s not responsible,” said Lionel Jospin in an interview with World.

The former Prime Minister (1997-2002) attacks the “arrogance” and “lightness” of Emmanuel Macron who “drags the French into his haste”. For Lionel Jospin, the RN “is nationalist, xenophobic, and many of its proposals offend our republican principles”.

Faced with this, the New Popular Front is “one of the dikes against which the wave can break.” “It is healthy that, despite known differences, France Insoumise, the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the Ecologists have signed the recent agreement. And I am delighted that Raphaël Glucksmann, who has just had a great European campaign, has not stayed away,” he judges.

LFI invests Aurélien Le Coq in place of Adrien Quatennens, at the expense of Amy Bah

If the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens, announced this morning, caused a wave of relief among the supporters of the New Popular Front, the response from LFI is enough to leave them doubtful. The party has in fact announced the investment of Aurélien Le Coq, national co-host of Jeunes, while the feminist Amy Bah had already started her campaign with the discreet support of other formations of the New Popular Front.

Adrien Quatennens renounces his candidacy

His candidacy, validated by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, divided the ranks of the New Popular Front. The outgoing LFI deputy sentenced to four months in prison for domestic violence announced this morning to the press that he was giving up running in the legislative elections.

“I no longer intend for my candidacy to be used against La France insoumise and the New Popular Front to harm them at a time when all energy must be used to beat the extreme right,” he declared. . “I know that this decision will disappoint a lot of people, but it seems to me that it will relieve even more”



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