Morbihan: baby wolves are born in an animal park

Morbihan: baby wolves are born in an animal park
Morbihan: baby wolves are born in an animal park


Morbihan Editorial

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 7:52 a.m.

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New births have recently been recorded in Lands of Nataé has Pont-Scorff (Morbihan). Baby Cub Scouts were recently welcomed by the teams of the refuge animal park.

The teams at the Morbihan zoo, which has made the conservation of endangered species its main focus, recently had the pleasure of seeing small gray wolves, canis lupus, emerge from their dens. A species classified as Least Concern according to theInternational Union for Conservation of Nature.

Unexpected births

According to the Terres de Nataé team, the births of the cubs date back to the beginning of the month of May 2024. “They remained well hidden for several weeks, at the bottom of the den adopted by the parents as their permanent home,” it is indicated.

This pair of wolves, coming from a zoo whose welfare conditions were judged to not meet the requirements expected by the State, were placed in Terres de Nataé in 2022. Initially stressed and tense, the Terres de Nataé teams were able to gradually gain their confidence.

The Lands of Nataé

For the Terres de Nataé teams, “these births are therefore a particularly important symbol in the progression of the well-being of these animals, to which the commitment of Terres de Nataé is total. »

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