sur-Rhône – Partir en Livres: a 3rd sporting edition

sur-Rhône – Partir en Livres: a 3rd sporting edition
sur-Rhône – Partir en Livres: a 3rd sporting edition

From June 19 to July 20, the Partir en Livre festival returns with 51 events in 20 municipalities in the Arche metropolitan area.

The village of Chantemerle-les-Blés was in turmoil on Friday May 31. Lynda Mouissat-Perret, first assistant, had the pleasure of hosting the launch of the 2024 edition of the Partir en Livre festival. This initiative aims to strengthen cultural ties between municipalities and residents, “so that libraries become meeting places”declared Lynda Mouissat-Perret.

A local cultural policy

Béatrice Four, vice-president of Arche Agglo, accompanied by Isabelle Gasseng, responsible for public reading for Arche Agglo, highlighted the ambition of this edition: “a local program for everyone!” She recalled that this initiative is part of the territorial project, in collaboration with 51 partners, including 17 libraries, social centers, nursing homes, town halls, and community cafés. In 2023, 1,700 participants took part in the event.

Guided workshops

To succeed Hélène George, illustrator of the 2023 edition, Géraldine Alibeu, originally from Échirolles, will lead the workshops for this third edition. A graduate of Claude Lapointe’s illustration workshop at Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg, she devoted herself to illustration for literature and the children’s press. Géraldine Alibeu will lead a workshop at the Saint-Jean-de-Muzols media library on June 26 at 10 a.m., followed by a meeting at 4:30 p.m., before leading various workshops from July 9 to 20.

A rich and varied program

All Partir en Livre workshops and shows are free. On the program: on June 19, a launch show will take place on Place Jean Jaurès with Trajectoires, from the Pyramid company, a unique artistic performance for five dancers. In Serves-sur-Rhône, on Friday June 28, the public will be able to attend Ciné Bicyclette, where spectators will have to pedal to maintain the sound and image of the film. On July 16, a story through images will be presented at the MJC in Saint-Donat for children aged 2 and up.

A video game competition between leisure centers will be held at the Georges Brassens hall on July 3. Among the other guests of the festival, illustrators such as Lucie Albon, Lisa Laubreaux, Caroline Hüe, Paola Hirou and Anaïs Sautier will speak in various municipalities and cultural spaces. The program also includes story walks, philosophy and digital comics workshops, as well as readings.

The Partir en Livre festival is a national event created by the National Book Center (CNL) and supported by Arche Agglo.

Complete program on:



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