Lot: the Virgin of Rocamadour will go to the start of the 2024 Vendée Globe

Lot: the Virgin of Rocamadour will go to the start of the 2024 Vendée Globe
Lot: the Virgin of Rocamadour will go to the start of the 2024 Vendée Globe


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 7:30 a.m.

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From August 15 to November 10, 2024, nearly two months of pilgrimage400 kilometers on foot, 21 stages, 100 nautical miles, 15 stopovers… For the 10e edition of Vendée Globethere Virgin of Rocamadourwill leave Batch, for Vendée and Les Sables d’Olonne, she will embark on the legendary Vendée Globe race; a solo, non-stop and unassisted sailing trip around the world, which takes place every four years.

Notre Dame at the Vendée Globe four years ago

Four years ago, Notre Dame de Rocamadour was present in Les Sables d’Olonne for the start of the Vendée Globe. In 2016 and 2020, a sportelle, the badge of the Rocamadour pilgrims, was given to each of the participants. And during this last edition, two skippers, Thomas Ruyant and Sébastien Destremau, also agreed to take on board a small statuette of Notre Dame de Rocamadour. Then at the exit of the channel, all the skippers and their boats were blessed and placed under his protection. It was a great event, very well organized by the parish of Les Sables, worthy of this legendary race.

Our Lady of Rocamadour, protector of sailors

Even before the 5th century, pilgrims from all over the world came to Rocamadour to pray with the Black Virgin.
The fourth largest place of pilgrimage in Christianity in the 11th century, Rocamadour saw many saints parade: Saint Louis, Saint Dominic, Saint Bernard, Saint Anthony of Padua…
A significant number of miracles are attributed to Notre-Dame de Rocamadour. In 1172, the Book of Miracles lists 126 graces obtained through the intercession of the Black Virgin.
Since the construction of a first chapel dedicated to Notre-Dame de Rocamadour in Camaret-sur-Mer (Brittany) by Henri II Plantagenêt, the Black Virgin has been invoked by sailors to protect them at sea.
In Rocamadour, in the Notre-Dame chapel, a bell dating from before the 9th century miraculously rings when a sailor is saved at sea after imploring the Virgin. The last miracle dates from… 2022!

From Rocamadour to Soulac-Sur-Mer… And from Soulac-Sur-Mer to Sables d’Olonne

At the start of the 10e edition, on November 10, 2024, the Black Madonna will once again be present to bless the skippers. This year, Father Florent Millet, rector of the Sanctuary of Rocamadour, wanted to increase the scope of this event by organizing a major pilgrimage to bring the Virgin of Rocamadour to Les Sables d’Olonne.

After the mass on August 15 in Rocamadour, the statue of Notre Dame will leave for Soulac-sur-Mer carried by teams of pilgrims. From parish to parish, after passing through Souillac, Bergerac, Libourne and Bordeaux, the Black Virgin will arrive in Soulac around September 15, 2024. In Soulac-sur-Mer, she will be taken care of by sailors, who will continue the pilgrimage in sailing from port to port. They will stop at Royan, the islands of Ré, Aix and Madame, the ports of La Rochelle and Rochefort. The possibility is considered of going up to the island of Yeu before going back down to Les Sables d’Olonne. The arrival in Les Sables is scheduled for around October 15, a little less than a month before the start of the Vendée Globe.

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Amadour the hermit

In 1166, an intact body was discovered near the chapel of the Sanctuary of Notre-Dame de Rocamadour. He is immediately assimilated to Saint Amadour, a hermit whose cave seems to have been the first chapel of the Sanctuary. Tradition recognizes in him the evangelical character of Zacchaeus.
In the first century, Zacchaeus and Veronica, having fled Christian persecution in Palestine, landed on the coasts of Médoc. When Véronique died, Zacchaeus went up the Dordogne Valley to Rocamadour, where he set up as a hermit.
A walking route retracing this legend, the Chemin d’Amadour links the Causses du Quercy to the Gironde estuary, passing through the Dordogne valley and the Bordeaux vineyards. Made up of 21 stages, the Way crosses many emblematic places of great pilgrimages, listed as UNESCO world heritage sites.

Proposals for those who wish to join this pilgrimage

“Each of you is expected!” This major project is being put in place, you can get involved in it yourself in different ways” indicates Father Millet. Do you want to participate in the land or sea pilgrimage as a porter or as an escort for a day or two, or even more? Do you want to participate in welcoming people in parishes with parish teams? Would you like to follow us and participate remotely in the times of prayer that will punctuate our days? Do you want to help us finance this project?

Information to support the process

Regularly consult the Sanctuary website https://www.sanctuairerocamadour.com/, as well as the project’s Facebook page. Also remember to register at »[email protected]“, from which you can indicate how you wish to get involved in this sharing and evangelization project. “Every month, you will receive news from the Roca Globe project and we hope to have you among us soon! » concludes the rector of Rocamadour, who wishes to create momentum around the Virgin.

All the news from the Sanctuaire de Rocamadour on: www.sanctuairerocamadour.com

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