Cycling, dreams, music… and much more for a summer of madness in the bastide

Cycling, dreams, music… and much more for a summer of madness in the bastide
Cycling, dreams, music… and much more for a summer of madness in the bastide

the essential
“Whether you stay in Villeneuve during the summer or spend a few days there, there is always something going on.” This is the refrain of those responsible for this summer which aims to be rich in activities and very popular.

When we find a winning formula, we keep it, we develop it and we improve it. In any case, this is the feeling given by Béatrice Vaquier, assistant to the commercial and tourist attractiveness of the city. “And as this year, we have the arrival of the Tour de France on July 11, there will be something for all ages and for all tastes.”

But above all, it is a huge amount of work done together. “I would like to thank all municipal services for their involvement in all these activities, from technical services to events and all the associations who come to help us.” This year’s motto, of course, revolves around the little queen with “This summer, it’s rolling in Villeneuve-sur-Lot!”.

“We do everything so that people stay and feel good here”

Before going into details, some main points of this summer news. The music festival opens the ball with a varied program and the Musi’Cale(s) take back possession of the hold. But the main concerts will take place in the Saint-Cyr park with Saults, Gilbert Montagné and Black M. The producers’ markets will exceptionally migrate for 2 evenings: July 11 for the Tour de France in the Saint-Cyr car park (opposite in the park) and on July 14 on Boulevard de la Marine for National Day. They will return to their place on the Place de l’Amiral Courbet (above the hold). “We expect to receive a lot of people” smiles Béatrice Vaquier. “Last year, the July 14 market was a success. We think that the Tour de France market will be too. Especially since it will be set up throughout the day so that the public feels at ease. best possible here, in the bastide.”

The Lot is also at the center of the festivities with an O festival on Saturday and Sunday July 14 with numerous nautical activities, and of course, the National Day will end with the traditional pyrosymphonic show, always above of the Lot. “And reinvesting the hold for 4 concerts on Fridays is part of this collective desire to return to the river.”

The Lot Valley tourist office is also involved in these activities. The Petit Tram resumes service from Wednesday to Saturday and preppy visits are also on the program. For the acronym, don’t worry, these are “story-telling bastide, gourmet bastide” visits.

Some highlights of summer events

In the month of June, we obviously start with the music festival with the center of the bastide, from the Sainte-Catherine square to Place Lafayette via Rue de Paris to the boulevards. The Laughter Festival, one of the most renowned in France, will open on June 25. And June ends in style with the 29th in the Parc des Haras, the Children’s Olympics, a sporting and fun afternoon for all children.
The month of July will be particularly rich, with of course the Tour de France which will mobilize a lot of people. All the details of the organization (traffic, parking, etc.) will be given within a few days. This month will also see artistic crafts put in the spotlight with a first night market, on the Sainte-Catherine square on July 25 (a new one will take place on Thursday August 22). Or even beach volleyball with a national open from July 19 to 21. And the concert long awaited by several generations of fans, Gilbert Montagné on July 31 in Saint-Cyr Park.
Two big highlights for the month of August, with the Black M concert on Wednesday August 7, still in Saint-Cyr Park. And for dreamers, Les Féeries returns on August 15 to Saint-Cyr Park this year with a major circus arts show by the Remue-Ménage company. And still the Music’Cale(s), this time on Fridays with a Tribute to Telephone (August 2) or even to Supertramp (23).
And it continues in September, a month which marks the end of the school holidays and the approach of the start of the school year with the Color’s Way on the 15th. The weekend of September 21 and 22 will be particularly busy with the European Heritage Days, the Fair-Exhibition at Les Fontanelles and Lot Fishing Day in Rogé. And to end this month with 2 exceptional events: the aerofestival from August 23 to 29 and the Literary Festival on August 28 and 29.



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