France and the United States display their union in the face of the major issues of the day

France and the United States display their union in the face of the major issues of the day
France and the United States display their union in the face of the major issues of the day

France and the United States of America demonstrated their unity on Saturday in the face of the major issues of the day, on the occasion of the state visit to France by American President Joe Biden.

In a statement to the press following the official welcoming ceremony for President Biden and his wife, French head of state Emmanuel Macron said that among the major issues he discussed with his host, that of Ukraine which “we will continue to support as long as it is necessary”.

He added that Franco-American coordination continues in other crisis areas, notably in Gaza. On this subject, President Macron called for an immediate ceasefire and “a political solution that is the only one capable of bringing peace and security to the region”. In this context, he called on Israel to open all crossing points for humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza and Rafah, as demanded by the international community for several months.

“We will work together to achieve a ceasefire,” said President Biden.

He also reiterated his country’s support for Ukraine, welcoming the Franco-American coordination in this conflict and to strengthen security and shared prosperity in other regions around the world and the fight against terrorism.

Earlier in the early afternoon, the French head of state and his wife gave an official welcome to the American presidential couple at the Arc de Triomphe, with the traditional descent of the Champs-Elysées surrounded by the Republican Guard. The American president made this first state visit to France, after his participation in the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Allied Normandy landings (D-Day), a key event of the Second World War which marked the beginning of the liberation of France and the gradual withdrawal of German occupying forces.

Mr. Biden’s visit will end on Sunday in Aisne, where he will lay a wreath at the Bois Belleau American cemetery, in tribute to the soldiers who fell during the First World War.
With MAP



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