A second life for new products in Ardennes recycling centers

A second life for new products in Ardennes recycling centers
A second life for new products in Ardennes recycling centers

According to the law to combat waste and for the circular economy, sports and leisure items as well as thermal DIY and garden items now correspond to a clean sector. New products can therefore be recycled.

This new sorting gesture will allow many objects (too damaged to be donated) to have a second life instead of being thrown into bulky bins and buried.

Some recycling centers are now able to recover these products. In the Ardennes, 35 out of 39 recycling centers are equipped with containers dedicated to the collection of this equipment.

At the end of 2023, Valodéa, the departmental household waste treatment union, reached an agreement with Écologic with the aim of deploying sorting.

In addition, the guards at participating recycling centers have been trained in new sorting procedures in order to guarantee optimal sorting quality.
They will thus be able to answer users’ questions and direct them to dedicated sorting areas.

Once collected, the products are sorted to see if they can be recycled in good condition or if they will be dismantled.

What recycling centers are equipped?

Aiglemont, Aire, Attigny, Bogny-sur-Meuse, Buzancy, Carignan, Challerange, Château-Porcien, Chaumont-Porcien, Flize, Gespunsart, Glaire, Grandpré, Le Châtelet-sur-Retourne, Le Chesne, Les Mazures, Liart, Lumes , Machault, Margut, Montcy-Notre-Dame, Neuville-lez-Beaulieu, Novion-Porcien, Poix-Terron, Pouru-Saint-Rémy, Raucourt-et-Flaba, Renwez, Rethel, Rimogne, Rocroi, Savigny, Thin-le -Moutier, Vireux-Molhain, Vouziers, Vrigne-aux-Bois



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