Belgium finally launches its Euro 2024 after a convincing performance against Romania (videos)

Belgium finally launches its Euro 2024 after a convincing performance against Romania (videos)
Belgium finally launches its Euro 2024 after a convincing performance against Romania (videos)

Shortly before the quarter hour, Lukaku almost doubled the lead. With his back to goal, the Devils striker tried to turn around before hitting but that was without taking into account the last-minute comeback from the Romanian defense. Lukebakio was also very close to scoring 2-0. De Bruyne distilled a caviar to the Belgian attacker who landed a curling shot. But Nita, the Romanian goalkeeper, pulled out all the stops. At the half-hour mark, the Romanian goalkeeper stopped an off-center shot from Doku at the near post.

Designate the Devil of the match

Still 1-0 for the Devils who couldn’t find cover. In the 39th minute, Romania had a great opportunity. On a ball behind Vertonghen’s back, Dragus played Faes too easily but Casteels intervened just in time to prevent the Romanian striker from taking control of the ball.

Returning from the locker room, the Romanians created the first opportunity. Mihaila was running alone in front of the goal. But the Belgian midfielder made up for his mistake by throwing himself in front of the Romanian striker as he adjusted his shot.

Shortly after the hour mark, Romelu Lukaku thought he would liberate all of Belgium. On an excellent pass from De Bruyne, Big Rom’ flew in front of goal and deceived Nita. But Lukaku was in an offside position and the goal was logically canceled. This is already the third goal canceled by VAR for our compatriot.

A few moments later, Onana once again lost the ball in his camp and this almost benefited Olaru who appeared against Casteels. But the Belgian goalkeeper had the last word with a vital intervention.

Fortunately, Belgium could breathe at the end of the match. On a long clearance from Koen Casteels, the ball went deep. The captain of the Devils had understood everything and presented himself alone against Nita before easily deceiving him (0-2, 80th).



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