Towards a ban on telephone use before the age of 11 in Belgium?

Towards a ban on telephone use before the age of 11 in Belgium?
Towards a ban on telephone use before the age of 11 in Belgium?

Several child protection associations and public health experts are calling for such a measure, arguing about the harmful effects of screens on the cognitive and psychological development young children.

The impact of screens on children is a subject of increasing concern. Scientific studies have shown that excessive cell phone use can lead to sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, increased anxiety and depression, and even language delay.

Arguments in favor of the ban

Supporters of a phone ban before age 11 point out that young children need time to play, explore their environment and develop social interactions. They also claim that screens can be a source of cyberharassment and exposure to inappropriate content.

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Many alternatives to screens exist to occupy children in a healthy and constructive way. Among these, we can cite reading, board games, sporting and artistic activities, outdoor outings, etc.

An ongoing debate

The question of banning telephone use before the age of 11 is far from unanimous. Some parents and experts warn against the perverse effects of such a measure, which could stigmatize children and create family tensions. Instead, they recommend raising parental awareness of the risks associated with screens and promoting moderate and supervised use of digital devices.

Towards regulation?

The question of banning telephone use before the age of 11 could be the subject of discussion among the Belgian authorities. In France, a bill aimed at banning smartphones in primary schools was tabled in the Senate in 2023.



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