Apartment fire in Calais: he throws himself from the first floor to escape the fire

Apartment fire in Calais: he throws himself from the first floor to escape the fire
Apartment fire in Calais: he throws himself from the first floor to escape the fire


Amandine Vachez

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 10:46 a.m.

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It was 4:40 a.m., in the night of Friday June 14 to Saturday June 15, 2024when firefighters from Pas-de-Calais intervened for a apartment fire in Calais. A 39 year old man threw himself from a floorin fire. Hurthe was transported to the hospital center.

Two apartments upstairs, one of which is unoccupied

It was in rue Masséna that a building on fire required emergency services to intervene last night. 19 firefighters from the Calais and Marck barracks intervened for a fire, which broke out “in an apartment located on the first floor of a building”, reports Sdis, Departmental Fire and Rescue Service. There are two apartments on this level, one of which is unoccupied.

A 39-year-old man, being on the floor engulfed in flames, jumped from the said floor, before the arrival of emergency services, who found him injured on the spot. The man, slightly injured, was transported to Calais Hospital.

Neighbors relocated, as a safety measure

“The rapid intervention of the firefighters made it possible to treat people including the victim and prevent the spread to neighboring residential buildings,” reports Sdis. Extinguishing was carried out using three lances. “As a safety measure, neighboring homes were evacuated”, i.e. four people. The occupants of neighboring homes will be relocated by the family.

An elected official, ERDF, GRDF, the police were present on the scene.

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