The weather of Saturday June 15, 2024 in Villeneuve-sur-Lot and its surroundings

The weather of Saturday June 15, 2024 in Villeneuve-sur-Lot and its surroundings
The weather of Saturday June 15, 2024 in Villeneuve-sur-Lot and its surroundings

When you wake up, the sky will be very cloudy in Villeneuve-sur-Lot this Saturday, June 15, 2024, but the temperatures will be mild. The sun will be mostly dominant during the morning. At dawn, the mercury will be 15°C, rising to 17°C by mid-morning. The wind will be 20 km/h at 6 a.m., and will strengthen towards mid-morning to approximately 25 km/h. In bursts, it can exceed 55 km/h. It will be in a southwesterly direction, then drift to the west around 11 a.m.

This afternoon, the thermometer will continue to rise around 2 p.m. to reach 19°C, then decrease to 17°C towards the start of the evening. Initially overcast around midday, the weather will clear up a little late in the afternoon. The wind strength will vary around 25 km/h, and it will always be from the West. It will be able to exceed 55 km/h in bursts.

During the evening, the sky will be overcast around 6 p.m., then become more cloudy at the end of the evening. The thermometer will drop between 8 p.m. and midnight to reach 13°C. The force of the wind will continue to increase towards the beginning of the evening up to around 30 km/h, then will quickly fade until it stops completely around 11 p.m. 90 km/h can be exceeded in bursts. Its orientation will be unstable during this interval.

During the night, the sky will partly clear around midnight and will be completely exposed towards the start of the night. The mercury will continue to drop between midnight and 4 a.m. to reach 10°C, while the wind will continue to rise throughout the night to approximately 10 km/h. It will be coming from the North-East during this period.

For tomorrow, the weather will be mostly cloudy, however, no precipitation is expected. The air temperature will be almost the same as today: rising to 18°C ​​on average, its maximum of 23°C will be reached from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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