Weather: wind, clouds, showers… what weather can we expect this weekend in France?

Weather: wind, clouds, showers… what weather can we expect this weekend in France?
Weather: wind, clouds, showers… what weather can we expect this weekend in France?

Wind, clouds and showers are on the agenda for this weekend of June 15 and 16, 2024. Temperatures will be milder than this week.

This weekend of June 15 and 16, 2024 will be disrupted by an ocean flow throughout France, indicates the weather channel. Temperatures are getting cooler compared to this week, but we must count on periods of rain or showers, interspersed with clearings. The wind is also back.

Unlike last weekend, there will be no significant stormy degradation, but rather wind, clouds and showers, particularly over a large northern half. In the south, the weather will be quite mild and very mild, especially on Sunday.

A cloudy Saturday

This Saturday June 15, after the heavy stormy rains overnight in the center-east, clearings will return quickly during the morning. Over a large north-western half of the country, the sky is changeable with clearings, but also cloudy periods sometimes accompanied by showers, all day long along the Channel coast with wind.

It will be very mild. Temperatures will range from 10 to 20°C from north to south in the morning reaching 17 to 30°C from Brittany to the Mediterranean hinterland.

A hot and dry Sunday in the south

This Sunday June 17, on Father’s Day, the weather will improve in the south and east with mildness, warmth and hazy sunshine. In the northwest, on the other hand, the weather will be unstable with noticeable wind, clouds which will dominate clearings and will sometimes be accompanied by showers. Mediterranean regions will benefit from hot and dry weather, with light wind.

In the morning, temperatures will rise from 13 to 20°C. In the afternoon, it will be cool with 17 to 21°C in the west with showers and 25 to 30°C in the east and south.



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