Employment: this administration launches a recruitment campaign in Cahors

Employment: this administration launches a recruitment campaign in Cahors
Employment: this administration launches a recruitment campaign in Cahors


Marie-Cécile Itier

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 2:27 p.m.

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There Departmental Directorate of Public Finances of Batch recruits 13 contract workers category B for a period of 3 years at the Cahors Professional Contact Center.

These are Telephone Advisor positions in Professional Contact Centers in other departments of France, but based in Cahors.

13 positions in Cahors

The position consists of general reception (telephone and emails) of professionals; the delivery of information relating to the basis and collection of taxes for professionals as well as the creation or cessation procedures. The people recruited will also have to assist users in the use of teleprocedures using tools dedicated to assistance; and participate in collective documentary work, particularly in enriching the knowledge base (BACO) with the support of inspectors.

Required profile

The desired profile is at baccalaureate level. Beginners are accepted. It includes experience in corporate taxation; proven abilities for oral communication and relationships with users; a strong ability to work in a team; qualities of analysis, synthesis and oral and written expression; good command of office tools (notably the intranet/internet and messaging) necessary for documentary research, filling the knowledge base (BACO) and processing emails.

How to apply

Anyone interested must apply on the “Passerelles” website so that their application can be accepted, by following this link.

Videos: currently on Actu

The contract will start on September 1, 2024, candidates must therefore be free on this date, the start date of the contract cannot be moved.

The Lot departmental public finance directorate has 280 jobs. It has 16 territorial services (individual and professional tax services, collection centers, tax control services, land registration services, registration services, property tax centers, accounting management services, treasuries) managed and led by management.

The contact center for professionals (CCPro) offers assistance in understanding and understanding tax matters (by telephone and by messaging) and carries out the missions of a general tax contact, covering a scope corresponding to all taxes of professionals, for professional users in the departments of Ile et Vilaine (35) and Hauts de Seine (92).

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