A breath of fresh air for the “Goorgoorlou”, By Birame Khary Ndaw

A breath of fresh air for the “Goorgoorlou”, By Birame Khary Ndaw
A breath of fresh air for the “Goorgoorlou”, By Birame Khary Ndaw

Since the long-awaited announcement of the drop in the cost of living by the new Senegalese government led by Bassirou Diomaye Faye, a glimmer of hope seems to appear on the horizon for the most modest households. By reducing the prices of essential foodstuffs, the authorities aim to relieve populations suffering from galloping inflation. If some find these reductions insufficient, the fact remains that this initiative represents a significant step forward for many Senegalese.

Let’s take the concrete example of a family who buys five baguettes of bread per day. With the drop in prices, this family saves 75 CFA francs daily, or 2,250 CFA francs per month. Over one year, this represents a saving of 27,000 CFA francs, a significant sum. To better visualize, this annual saving can cover the price of a bag of rice, a liter of oil, five days of bread and still leave a surplus of 4,000 CFA francs to buy fish and condiments. Such an improvement in the family budget is a real breath of fresh air for the “Goorgoorlou”, these hard workers who struggle to make ends meet.

However, this initiative, as laudable as it may be, must be followed with the greatest rigor to guarantee its effectiveness. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see some stores ignoring government measures, continuing to charge high prices in defiance of the new guidelines. For this drop in prices to have a real impact on the daily lives of Senegalese people, it is imperative that the government puts in place strict and regular control mechanisms. Traders must be forced to respect the new prices, soon to be in force, under penalty of severe sanctions.

The vigilance of the population is also crucial. Citizens should be informed of regulated prices and encouraged to report any violations to the relevant authorities. In addition, an awareness campaign on the importance of respecting these measures could strengthen their application and ensure greater transparency.

The reduction in prices of basic foodstuffs, a promising initiative on the part of the government of Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Although the reduced amounts may seem insignificant to some, they nevertheless represent valuable assistance for low-income families. For this measure to bear fruit, it is essential that all stakeholders – government, traders, and citizens – play their role seriously and responsibly. Only rigorous monitoring and strict application of the new directives will make it possible to truly improve the daily lives of the Senegalese and give a little breath to the “Goorgoorlou”.

Birame Khary Ndaw



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