Austria-France: at what time and on which channel to follow the Blues’ first match at the Euro?

Austria-France: at what time and on which channel to follow the Blues’ first match at the Euro?
Austria-France: at what time and on which channel to follow the Blues’ first match at the Euro?

The French team enters the competition in Euro-2024 against Austria, Monday June 17 (9 p.m.), in Munich.

This meeting can be followed live on television on TF1, as well as live with commentary on TF1Info.

A trap first match. Aiming for final victory, the French team enters the competition in this Euro against Austria (Monday June 17, 9 p.m., live on TF1 and live commentary on TF1Info). After a contrasting preparation, the Blues want to strike a big blow from the start, erase the few doubts that may have arisen and launch their competition perfectly. “That was the goal of these matches, we will necessarily approach the competition with a different face than during these preparation matches”said Kingsley Coman at a press conference. “I would say that we are calm, the ambitions have not changed. And it is not because we are calm that we will win it (the Euro, Editor’s note)but we will do everything to, there is no alarm”added the Bayern Munich winger.

Casually, this match is already of capital importance, in a tough Group D (also with the Netherlands and Poland) and where all the points will be important. Especially since the opponent looks tough. Indeed, since taking control, the Austrians have become masters in the art of putting the opposite team under pressure, through stifling pressing. A double-edged choice against a French selection which can be in difficulty when it fails to set its pace in a meeting, but which also has the weapons to punish any spaces left. But whether it goes one way or another, this first duel should give rise to a nice opposition of style between a group adept at protagonist football and a selection that is often more passive in its approach.

This confrontation, the first of these two teams in this Euro, is broadcast live on TF1 and can also be followed live with commentary on TF1info. Please note that kick-off will be at 9 p.m. at the Allianz Arena in Munich.




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