“The only way” to block the RN is a “union of the left”, says Raphaël Glucksmann

“The only way” to block the RN is a “union of the left”, says Raphaël Glucksmann
“The only way” to block the RN is a “union of the left”, says Raphaël Glucksmann

Remaining silent in recent days, Raphaël Glucksmann defends the “new Popular Front”. “The only thing that matters to me is that the National Rally does not win these legislative elections and does not govern the country”said Friday June 14, the head of the PS-Place publique list in the European elections. “The only way to do this is for there to be a union of the left”he estimates on France Inter. “VS“is our historic responsibility”, he insists. Follow our live stream.

The “new Popular Front” presents its program. Sixteen days before the first round of the legislative elections, the LFI, PS, environmentalists and communist leaders will hold a press conference, Friday June 14 around 11:30 a.m., at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris to celebrate their union. At the end of four days of intense negotiations, they announced Thursday evening that they had agreed on a joint program of “breakup”with a “declination for the first 100 days of the mandate”.

The quarrel among Republicans before the courts. The Paris judicial court examines on Friday morning Eric Ciotti’s appeal against his exclusion from the Republicans, for his joining the National Rally. The party’s leaders must, for their part, meet in a new political office to formally validate the ousting of their president.

François Hollande welcomes the agreement reached on the left. THE “duty” from the left “it’s about uniting” For “ward off the extreme right”declared the former President of the Republic on TF1 on Thursday. “The main thing is that the union was able to take place” And “jI am in favor of this agreement”, he said.

Gabriel Attal in the campaign. After Pas-de-Calais on Thursday, the Prime Minister must go to Loire-Atlantique. Even if he insists that he is now “in action”, Gabriel Attal still had difficulty masking his uneasiness when discussing, Thursday on the set of Quotidien, the way in which he learned of the dissolution of the Assembly. Emmanuel Macron “announced his decision to me (…) It’s his prerogative.”he evacuated.



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