Israeli warship docks at Tanger Med port in Morocco

Israeli warship docks at Tanger Med port in Morocco
Israeli warship docks at Tanger Med port in Morocco

The docking of an Israeli warship at the port of Tanger Med in the middle of the war in Gaza does not pass through Morocco.

For the Moroccan NGO, National Action Group for Palestine, by allowing the ship to dock, the Moroccan authorities were guilty of “ complicity with Zionist assassins ».

The Israeli warship INS Komemiyut, en route from the United States to the port of Haifa, Israel, called at the port of Tangier on Morocco’s Mediterranean coast on June 6.

This is a new step taken in military cooperation between the two countries which normalized their relations in December 2020.

The National Action Group for Palestine denounces, in a press release released Friday June 21, a “ support » from Morocco to « Zionist terrorism » who commits « unprecedented barbaric massacres against the Palestinian people ».

The NGO notes that the Israeli warship docked at the port of Tangier to replenish fuel and provisions in order to continue the crimes of genocide against the Palestinian people.

This, underlines the same source, at a time when the people and the army of Yemen are fighting to prevent “ Israeli death ships » to pass through the Bab El Mandeb Strait and the Red Sea and while Spain refuses to “ genocide ships » to dock in its ports.

Morocco: a Moroccan NGO criticizes the docking of an Israeli warship in Tangier

In front of this “ serious development », the Moroccan NGO denounces a “ shameful and cowardly act » of the Moroccan authorities whom she describes as “ contempt and humiliation for the feelings of Moroccans », d’ « violation of the Constitution » and « cultural and civilizational heritage ” from Morocco.

For the Palestine Action Group, what the Moroccan authorities have done constitutes a “ complicity with the enemy in its aggression and massacres against the Palestinian people “, a ” attack on national sovereignty » of Morocco and a breach of the United Nations charter.

While calling for an investigation to determine responsibilities, the NGO calls for united efforts in order to put an end to what it describes as ” dangerous tsunami ».

For its part, the Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalization lambasted in a press release made public on Saturday June 22: the lack of reaction from the Moroccan state » following the docking of the Israeli warship at the port of Tangier.

The NGO also draws a parallel with the attitude of the Spanish authorities who refused on May 19 to authorize the docking in one of its ports of the ship Marianne Danica which was transporting Indian weapons intended for Israel.


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