Legault’s big game: a referendum on autonomy

Legault’s big game: a referendum on autonomy
Legault’s big game: a referendum on autonomy

European far-right parties have something in common with Donald Trump: they have understood that it is very profitable, politically, to attack immigrants.

The fear of others, the fall of our civilization and its “replacement” by foreigners… everything is there. And it works!

Fear campaign

François Legault decided to take inspiration from it. Obviously, he believes that his only chance of beating the Parti Québécois in the next election is to wage a campaign of fear against immigrants, particularly temporary immigrants. He plays big.

Legault knows that his coalition would lose important ministers if he aims to separate Quebec from Canada.

However, since his first electoral campaign in 2018, he has told us that he will “achieve” Quebec’s autonomy in stages, and not in one “big night”.

Additional powers

Let us remember that Legault promised that he would seek constitutional changes so that Quebec would have more powers.

Having failed to obtain “full powers” ​​in immigration, including family reunification, he now has the way clear to do everything possible to make it a political battle.

Never mind that there is no country in the world that completely delegates this power to a subnational government like a province. We’re not talking about reality here, we’re talking about emotions.

Legault has just appointed a committee to report to him on ways to seek more powers for Quebec. He is putting in place the elements to trigger a referendum, not on sovereignty, but on the autonomy of Quebec, on subjects like immigration, language and culture.

His committee includes constitutionalists who know very well that with a clear mandate from the public, Ottawa would be obliged to negotiate.

Legault would seek this mandate by referendum… winning for once!

Nothing to lose

Legault believes he has nothing more to lose by playing hardball with Ottawa.

His rantings against immigrants aim above all to get Quebecers on his side to stop this “scourge” of temporary immigration, which is responsible, according to him, for all the ills.

It’s a dream situation for someone like Legault.

Housing shortage? It’s the immigrants’ fault. Health system falling apart? It’s the fault of the federal government… which lets in too many immigrants. Mold in schools? Damned foreigners again! How easy it is!

It was mind-blowing to hear the Prime Minister declare that the housing crisis is “100%” caused by temporary immigration.

Under agreements signed between Quebec and the federal government more than 30 years ago, Quebec plays a leading role in the choice of temporary immigrants. These agreements, between the Bourassa and Mulroney governments, gave unique powers to Quebec.

I believe Justin Trudeau was right to say that the majority of temporary immigrants are chosen or approved by Quebec, but Legault’s message of intolerance has gotten through.

Fasten your hat with a spit, the constitutional disputes are far from over!



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