Macronists and LR are still waiting

Macronists and LR are still waiting
Macronists and LR are still waiting

Radio silence within the former presidential majority in Vaucluse. At Renaissance, its president Malika Di Fraja has still not reacted to the results of the European elections and the prospect of the legislative elections. On Sunday, Valérie Hayer’s list only obtained 11.53%, or 3 points less than at the national level.

On Wednesday, some 160 first candidates were nominated but none in Vaucluse. The only incumbent, Jean-François Lovisolo, has decided not to run again. “ We are working on a Republican arc with candidates from the left and the center right in the rejection of the extremes », We confided at Renaissance on Monday. Since then, a first version of several candidate proposals by constituency has been submitted to the regional, then national and Élysée level. A return was expected at best late this Thursday.

Among the contenders, the name of Adrien Morenas was circulating on the 5e circo left vacant by Jean-François Lovisolo. Morenas, deputy from 2017 to 2022 on the 3e circo, had been beaten by Hervé de Lépinau (RN). Regional councilor Sylvie Viala, from Modem, and beaten in the second round two years ago on 2ehas ” applies » and hopes “ benefit from the resale right “. As for Souad Zitouni, Macronist deputy of 1time circo, eliminated on 1er turn in 2022, she would not have shown much appetite to run for office.

LR alone

On the Republican side, Jean-François Périlhou, president of LR 84, “ sent a list of five candidates to headquarters for validation » this Thursday morning. But given the national vaudeville chaos, the one who is also mayor of Vaison is only waiting for the green light to “ Saturday midday “. In Vaucluse, no local right-wing leader has positioned himself behind the solitary strategy of Éric Ciotti, like senators Alain Milon and Jean-Baptiste Blanc or Dominique Santoni, LR president of the Department. If Jean-François Périlhou has remained silent on the subject, his membership in the regional majority of Renaud Muselier does not classify him among the most right-wing.

With only 5.29% of the votes in the European elections, Périlhou knows “ the narrow swimming lane “. Appointed departmental secretary in September, Fabrice Liberato has already resigned. Despite an insistent proposal to (re)present oneself on the 5e circo in connection with the RN, Julien Aubert, ex-MP (2012-22), declined. Again this Thursday, the Vaucluse RN called for a coalition of the right with LR and Reconquest.



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