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A snake discovered under a pallet of tiles in Vendée calls out to Internet users

A snake discovered under a pallet of tiles in Vendée calls out to Internet users
A snake discovered under a pallet of tiles in Vendée calls out to Internet users


Sebastien Bethune

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 11:42 a.m.

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A publication by a person on the Facebook group La Tranche-sur-mer, La Grière, La Terrière (Vendée) has somewhat panicked some Vendée Internet users.

The animal was found under a pallet of tiles, near Fontenay-le-Comte. The publication sparked many reactions. Some internet users shared their concern and fear of snakes. Others were more reassuring, recognizing what appeared to be a grass snake, an ultimately harmless snake.

Snake season!

This is also the observation made by Lieutenant Marvin Massé, head of animal teams for the Vendée firefighters, who takes the opportunity to demonstrate teaching.

Sunny days are coming (normally) and snakes, like this grass snake, are more likely to come out to enjoy the sun’s rays. But do not panic !

“It’s normal to find some, we’re entering the season. They are harmless unless they feel attacked. The idea is to leave them quietly where they are, without disturbing them too much. »

Lieutenant Massé

On the other hand, if the animal found in a homeor in an area that could represent a dangerdo not hesitate to call the fire brigade, but “as long as it is in its natural environmentdon’t do anything,” he says.

The snake’s bite is not venomous.

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Watch out for the viper

The viper is also present in the Vendée fauna. This species of snake, smaller and stockier than the grass snake, is more dangerous because it produces venom. If you are bitten, you must call emergency services.

However, like the snake, it does not normally come not in contact with humans. “They tend to to flee when we approach them,” explains the lieutenant.

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