Death threat, knife, a Loire-Atlantique fair degenerates

Death threat, knife, a Loire-Atlantique fair degenerates
Death threat, knife, a Loire-Atlantique fair degenerates


Benjamin Epineau

Published on

June 26, 2024 at 5:28 p.m.

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Saturday June 22, 2024 around 5:30 p.m., in full swing eventa young man enters knife in pocket in the courtyard of theMichelet nursery schoollocated in the Kerlédé district of Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique).

The reason ? A dispute with a 17-year-old teenager who ran a football stand during the end-of-year party.

Balloon story…

Absent during the debates, the victim returned to the events in his statement to the police: “Children were disrupting the stand and I had to confiscate the balloons. A young girl hit me and I beat her tore off her veil not on purpose “.

At the bar of the Saint-Nazaire court on June 26, 2024, the 21-year-old defendant, already sentenced to suspended sentence for traffic offenses (driving without a license under drugs and refusal to comply in November 2023 in Saint-Nazaire), recounts the sequence of events:

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My mother called me to tell me that my little sister had been beaten and her veil had been torn off. I went into a tailspin.

A 30 cm blade

Arriving there, he brandished a knife – a 30 cm blade – while uttering, in front of numerous witnesses, death threats towards the teenager. The latter’s uncle was slightly injured in the stomach while trying to protect his nephew.

Several parents of students, including a father, baby in armsmanage to restrain the angry young man.

Witnessing the scene and the threats, the director of the establishment warned the police who made the arrest without problem.

“I recognize the facts of the threats against the person who hit my sister, but neither the knife nor the violence. My family held me back,” says the defendant who has been incarcerated since June 24.

“I don’t do anything with my days, but I want to work”

“You cannot take justice into your own hands. I don’t want to get into teenage stories, but what I denounce, it’s your way of reactingand“, reprimands the prosecutor.

It requires a sentence of 8 months in prison, with a partial revocation of the suspended sentence of 4 months, as well as a community service sentence of 70 hours .

“I don’t do anything with my days, I’m a homebody, but I want to work,” defends the Nazairian, without a diploma or job.

Prison closed

The defense lawyer said there was no doubt about the death threats, but she requested an acquittal for the violence committed against her uncle.

“By rereading the witness interviews, at no time is violence mentioned. The only victim in this case is the young man.”

She asks “a sentence that makes sense” with a probationary suspension to support him in his professional integration.

Finally, the defendant is sentenced for all the facts to eight months in prisonaccompanied by a four-month suspended sentence. A ban on contact with the victim, on appearing near the school and on carrying a weapon were imposed.

The Nazairien is also required to follow training and will have to pay a fine of €500 for his traffic offenses.

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