these guides who offer to visit Paris differently

these guides who offer to visit Paris differently
these guides who offer to visit Paris differently

Ladies and gentlemen, follow the guide! Yvan Hallouin takes you to discover the most unusual walks in Paris. Between gossip, boats, gang wars and falafels, there’s plenty to do.

Paris is full of guided tours and Laetitia’s is delicious. She invites you to the 4th arrondissement for a 3-hour “food tour” with seven stops, each more delicious than the last. From pastries to street food, cheese, kebab, macaroons, chocolates and burgers are on the menu. Don’t worry about the calories, walking two miles from one appointment to the next should help your digestion.

Victoria is an actress and tour guide and her thing is gossip. Rather than a general tour on the history of Paris, it invites you to enter the little secrets of the city of lights. The Countess of Gossips leads four different thematic tours: debauchery and gallantry, state secrets, seven deadly sins and crooks and money.

In period clothing, Victoria wanders around with her gossip-loving groups

© France 3 PIDF

Tourism existed long before buses and umbrellas, but when was it created? Frédérick Gersal will tell us the story of pleasure tourism and its inventor, Thomas Cook.

Beyond Paris, in Boulogne-Billancourt, there is a waterbus that runs as well as it sails. The ducks of Paris take you on a visit on water and on land, not without a few splashes.

The Canards de Paris waterbus offers an alternative between the bus and the barge

© France 3 PIDF

Yvan will finish his tourist discovery in another bus, that of Vincent, which hosts a restaurant and allows you to visit the capital with your eyes and your palate. A behemoth which holds 38 place settings for a two-hour visit.

Find the unusual walks of Paname, this Sunday at 12.50 on France 3 Paris Île-de-France or in replay on



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