Demonstrations against the far right on Saturday in IDF

Demonstrations against the far right on Saturday in IDF
Demonstrations against the far right on Saturday in IDF

Different meetings to demonstrate in Île-de-France this Saturday, June 15. you can send by email or comment to complete

Inter-union press release

June 10, 2024

Abstention and the far right reached a record during the European elections on June 9. This trend is at work throughout Europe but France is the country in which far-right lists score the highest.

Trade union organizations have been warning for years about the social and democratic crisis sweeping through our country. A politician who turns his back on the social and who creates downgrading, abandonment of our industries and our public services, the force against the historic mobilization against pension reform, the absence of prospects for progress and the trivialization of racist theses , constitute the breeding ground on which the far right thrives.

By deciding to dissolve the National Assembly and to organize legislative elections in three weeks, after the first departures on vacation and on the eve of the Olympic Games, the President of the Republic takes on a heavy responsibility.

We need a democratic and social revival. Otherwise, the far right will come to power. We have seen it at work in history and today in Italy or Argentina for example: austerity for salaries and public services, constitutional reforms calling into question the independence of the judiciary and the role of unions. , attacks on the rights of women and people LGBTQIA+, calling into question the right toIVG, racist policies that pit workers against each other based on their religion, color or nationality. We know his votes in France as in Europe, they are always unfavorable to workers.

Our Republic and our democracy are in danger. We must respond to the social and environmental emergency and listen to the aspirations of workers and in particular:

Increase wages and pensions ;

Return to the pension reform and those of unemployment insurance ;

Defend our public services and guarantee access to them for all, regardless of nationality and throughout the country. Our school, our research, our health system, our dependency care system, our justice system are asphyxiated and need massive investments. ;

Put an end to the verticality of power by starting by restoring social democracy at all levels, company, branch, territory and inter-professional ;

Implement tax justice measures and in particular tax super profits, dividends and share buybacks ;

Finally establish equal pay and eradicate sexist and sexual violence ;

Establish the right to regularization for all foreign workers on the basis of a work certificate ;

Relocalize and transform our industry to meet social and environmental needs by protecting it from social, fiscal and environmental dumping ;

Create new rights to allow workers to anticipate environmental transformations and secure their jobs ;

Immediately, we call on the President of the Republic to be consistent. The National Assembly is dissolved, so reforms must be stopped as there is no longer any democratic control. In particular, the government must immediately abandon its unemployment insurance reform.

We are calling for demonstrations as widely as possible this weekend to support the need for progressive alternatives for the world of work.

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Procession Palestine



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