Risk of closure of a crèche in Sallèles-d’Aude: the Aude Family Allowance Fund “recommends the maintenance of the reception structure”

Risk of closure of a crèche in Sallèles-d’Aude: the Aude Family Allowance Fund “recommends the maintenance of the reception structure”
Risk of closure of a crèche in Sallèles-d’Aude: the Aude Family Allowance Fund “recommends the maintenance of the reception structure”

While a mobilization was scheduled for this Thursday, June 13 in front of the Sallèles-d’Aude crèche to protest against the potential end of the structure’s activity, Elise Palus, director of the Family Allowance Fund, assures that “no closure trajectory” is not envisaged.

Prevention to heal better. This is undoubtedly the whole meaning of the statements made on Wednesday June 12 by Elise Palus, director of the Aude Family Allowance Fund. An intervention decided on the eve of the gathering planned for this Thursday, June 13, at 5:30 p.m., in front of the Sallèles-d’Aude nursery, to protest against its potential closure.

A hypothesis absolutely not on the agenda, wanted to clarify the director of a Caf which can finance up to 60% of investments and 50 to 55% of the operation of crèches. A director wishing to place the subject in a more global context: “Since the year 2023, work has been carried out on a project to develop services for families in the territory of the single-purpose intercommunal union (Sivu) Sud-Minervois.” A Sivu equipped with skills related to the areas of childhood-family and gerontology for 11 municipalities (Argeliers, Bize-Minervois, Ginestas, Mailhac, Mirepeïsset, Pouzols-Minervois, Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude, Saint-Nazaire- d’Aude, Sainte-Valière, Sallèles-d’Aude, Ventenac-en-Minervois), and therefore at work for crèches, leisure centers, homes for childminders and other home help or accommodation for the elderly .

Increase in reception capacities

It is therefore to think about a project allowing “an increase in reception capacities” that a technical advisor from Caf accompanies elected officials, and in particular Christian Lapalu, president of Sivu, and of the intercommunal social action center (CIAS) Sud Minervois. Except that the start of 2024 marked the start of a “rififi” that Elise Palus struggles to understand: “I was contacted by the mayor of Sallèles-d’Aude (Yves Bastié)then by the president of Sivu, with letters reporting disagreements around the Sallèles nursery.” To calm things down, Elise Palus therefore scheduled a video meeting, to remind us that it was up to the region to put together its project and the possible implementation of tools linked to childhood and early childhood, before the Caf speaks out for possible financing.

This nursery opened in 2012 and has recently undergone work to bring it up to standard.

A video which gave Elise Palus the opportunity to ensure “that there is no closure trajectory planned for the Sallèles-d’Aude crèche. It opened in 2012 and has recently undergone work to bring it up to standard. A crèche, generally, has a duration of life of 20 years I told them again that, if they felt that there was an additional need for childcare places, to expand the possibilities of leisure reception or even to set up a Center for children. 1,000 days, it was up to them to think about, with a project that was coherent for the territory.” Renewed details in a letter “written with the support of the national fund”before a meeting, “a month and a half ago”for again “to reassure”. Obviously not yet enough to ease tensions and fears.

But this Wednesday, June 12, Elise Palus repeated it: “The project, which must be feasible and sustainable, has not been completed, no decision has been made. But I repeat, Caf recommends maintaining the crèches in Ginestas and Sallèles-d’Aude.”



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