Thanks to this volunteer from Alençon, people with damaged life paths are learning to love themselves again

Thanks to this volunteer from Alençon, people with damaged life paths are learning to love themselves again
Thanks to this volunteer from Alençon, people with damaged life paths are learning to love themselves again


Antoine Sauvetre

Published on

June 22, 2024 at 6:16 a.m.

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“Providing well-being to those who need it. ” For two years, Marie-Laure Rattier has a very precise idea of ​​the reconversion in which she is engaged. And this former store manager in training socio-aestheticism took no time to put it into practice. Volunteering.

Volunteer socio-esthetician

Since July 2023, this resident from Alençon (Orne), aged 49, works every other Tuesday at the Coallia Accommodation and Social Reintegration Center (CHRS), in the city center of Alençon.

The center welcomes in particular without a fixed address through the emergency accommodationbut also women victims of violence, or more generally “people with difficult life paths, who often live in great precariousness and suffer from isolation”, relates Emmanuel Launay, the head of the CHRS. Damaged life paths which are also felt physically. And it’s far from being a detail.

Taking care of your body and your appearance means having better self-esteem.

Stéphanie Toutaint, specialized educator at Coallia

“The gaze of others plays a part in it, but above all it’s a way of learning to love yourself again,” confirms Marie-Laure Rattier.

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Build a bond of trust

Hair removal, skin care, nail care, makeup, varnish… Marie-Laure Rattier pampers those who have had the courage to walk through the door of her makeshift “salon”, installed in a CHRS office.

We touch on the intimate. These are people who are not or no longer used to contact.

Marie-Laure Rattier

The first session with the volunteer always begins with a time for discussion. “It sometimes takes 30 minutes, an hour, or even several discussion sessions for a bond of trust to be built and to achieve the first touch,” reports the volunteer.

For women and men

She follows six persons regularly. A fortnight have already passed through his hands. Women, mostly, but also men.

“If there are more women, it is because our society places more importance on their appearance. They are also often confronted with the gaze of their children. It’s something that matters to them. »

“More sure of myself”

This is the case of Laura Chambron.

Just a few months ago, this housewife, aged 43, did everything to “go unnoticed”. A ponytail, jogging pants and “as many sweaters as possible to hide [son] corps ».

Since meeting Marie-Laure, she says she has been “transformed” herself. She now chooses clothes in which she feels good and spends “30 minutes every morning” do your hair, put on makeup.

The cosmetic products used by Marie-Laure Rattier mainly come from donations from professionals or individuals. ©L’Orne Hebdo

A physical transformation which is felt in his state of mind.

I enjoy taking care of myself and I feel more confident in myself.

Laura Chambron

The one who lived “curled up” now walks with her back straight.

Again, this is not a detail. The body speaks and “posture is also important, especially when look for a job ».

“I see the well-being I bring”

Since then, she has started again apply for jobs and is no longer afraid to appear for interviews. A culmination for Marie-Laure.

I see here the well-being that I can bring.

Marie-Laure Rattier

When she graduates, she plans to open your own salon“but I want to continue doing my volunteering day,” she says.

For its part, Coallia hopes above all to perpetuate this initiative, now considered “necessary” in the reintegration process of those supported.

Marie-Laure uses products mainly from donations. To make a donation, contact Marire-Laure Rattier by email: [email protected]

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