Gravels: the canton reveals the best sites

Gravels: the canton reveals the best sites
Gravels: the canton reveals the best sites

Corbières, Cugy, Haut-Intyamon, Gibloux and Schmitten: it is in these municipalities that the exploitation or development of gravel pits makes the most sense. The canton has identified a total of 18 exploitable priority sites.

The Department of Territorial Development explains that it was based on different criteria to arrive at this new sectoral plan, such as the protection of groundwater, noise pollution, the crossing of a locality or even good agricultural land. Let us point out that for a site to be exploited, it is not enough that it appears in this plan, the municipality concerned and an operator must come to an agreement.

Everyone pretty much agrees on the fact that we should avoid looking for French gravel for our construction sites in Fribourg.

The examples of Lessoc and Botterens have demonstrated in recent years that the exploitation of gravel pits can create strong opposition within the population. This is one of the challenges for the future of the sector, recognizes Jean-François Steiert, State Councilor in charge of the file.

“Everyone is pretty much in agreement on the fact that we must avoid looking for French gravel for our construction sites in Fribourg,” explains the State Councilor. “In general, people are not enthusiastic when we open a gravel pit not far from their home. We must be able to justify according to clear and objective principles why we choose certain places rather than others to build gravel pits.”

Several information sessions will take place from June 12 to 19 in the canton. The first (in French) will take place on Tuesday June 18 in Posieux.

Rail transport and recycling

Housing, schools, hospitals or transport infrastructure: the need for sand and gravel is estimated at 3 cubic meters per person per year for the next 25 years, but the resources are not infinite, explains the canton. This is why the Friborg State Council is committing to a more sustainable operating approach, by focusing on more recycling.

Another objective: decarbonize transport. For sites located near the rail, it will be asked to examine the possibility of relying on the train for the transport of gravel and sand. For others, the idea is to focus on cleaner trucks, electric models for example. “It’s about reducing nuisance as much as possible,” emphasizes Jean-François Steiert.

The new sectoral plan for the exploitation of materials is open for consultation until August 14.

RadioFr. – Loïc Schorderet



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