Gard: a survivalist tried for possession of 56 explosives: News

Gard: a survivalist tried for possession of 56 explosives: News
Gard: a survivalist tried for possession of 56 explosives: News

A forty-year-old arrested in Carnas (Gard) was tried on Thursday June 13 for possession and carrying of weapons and explosive devices, reports Midi Libre.

A man close to the survivalist movement was tried on Thursday June 13 for possession and carrying of weapons and explosive devices. According to Midi Libre, he was arrested by the GIGN on March 11 in Carnas, in the Gard. The police had difficulty arresting this forty-year-old because his home was riddled with explosives. His gate, his staircase, his front door, and every room in his house were trapped. The GIGN remained on site for 48 hours.

During the search, an arsenal was discovered. 56 explosive devices, 20 to 30 kg of explosive materials, nine handguns, and 20 long weapons were collected on site. Before his trial, he spent several months in a psychiatric hospital where he was interned. On Tuesday June 11, he was placed in pre-trial detention after a hearing before the detention freedoms judge.

Civil war and end of the world

He would be convinced of the approach of a civil war and the end of the world. He has “a somewhat special way of life”, according to Abdelkrim Grini, the public prosecutor of Alès, interviewed by BFMTV. He “lives a recluse on himself” And “has no contact with the outside world with the exception of his father and mother”did he declare.

The man had already been arrested for similar acts in October 2022. The case was then closed and a psychiatric expert judged him to be criminally irresponsible. No prosecution had been initiated. According to investigators, he never stopped production and the suspect’s skills improved over two years, his machines being better designed.

published on June 13 at 6:30 p.m., Alexandra Jaegy, 6Medias




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