231 projects submitted, 88 started

The progress of the transformation projects was presented to the Board of Directors of Laval University on June 12. For André Darveau, executive vice-rector and vice-rector for human resources and finance at Laval University, this is “a first step forward” in this adventure that began in mid-October 2023.

In 6 months, 227 project proposals were submitted by the site teams and by members of the university community. “It’s not nothing! There are people who have looked at this in addition to their daily work and who have said to themselves: “I have an idea to transform the University!”, greets the vice-rector, emphasizing the spirit unifier of the process, he said, 76 projects have been started, some are underway, others have been completed.

André Darveau describes the 2023-2028 Institutional Plan as a “living laboratory”, which aims to “transform the University into a university of impact”. If several actions were already underway, there was a desire to experiment, to surpass oneself, he indicates. Thus were born six major transformative projects: lifelong studies, knowledge, science and society, a vibrant campus, simplified and personalized local services, climate ambition and the well-being of the community university.

“Within these projects,” continues the vice-rector, “we had pilot projects for and by the community. Some don’t work, and that’s okay. Those that work, we take the opportunity to extend them throughout the University.”

He adds that a total funding of $4.2 million was requested for the 231 projects submitted. To date, $1.7 million has been awarded.

The members of the work teams from the six sites, who have very varied expertise, met recently.

— Laval University, Yan Doublet

On May 21, around fifty members of the transformation site teams gathered at the Jean-Paul Tardif auditorium at the La Laurentienne pavilion. Several site managers expressed their love for the work teams, which are each made up of a dozen people from all walks of life.

The rector Sophie D’Amours also underlined this desire of the management to mobilize “people who, for many, did not know each other and have discovered themselves”. The members of the site teams have very varied expertise, whether in the field, in management, in teaching or in administration, illustrated the rector.

— Laval University, Yan Doublet

“ What you are experiencing highlights that we have thought outside the box to take our university further. »

— Sophie D’Amours

“We knew that we were not following the normal, classic path of institutional planning. What you are experiencing highlights that we have thought outside the box to take our university further. It takes audacity, courage, perseverance, time, your expertise, accountability, follow-up to move all this forward,” she listed, thanking the members of the teams of construction sites.

The rector had one word, “wow!”, to describe the website where the projects of the six projects continuously appear.

Read the articles related to the 2023-2028 Action Plan in ULaval news



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