A national trophy honors the dynamism of Lot merchant associations

A national trophy honors the dynamism of Lot merchant associations
A national trophy honors the dynamism of Lot merchant associations


Jean-Claude Bonnemère

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

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Following this event which occurred last April, placing the Lot once again in the spotlight, with the presentation of the “Commerce and crafts in the City” label, alongside Chambers of commerce and industry of Rouen and Versailles in the category Consular Chambers Trophy and federations, the FDAC wished to offer this prize to the Lo Chamber of Commerce and Industryt, in appreciation for his support over the years.

19 merchant associations across the Lot

“All the actions that we carry out through the associations of traders and artisans of the Lot could not take place without the participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry,” declares Corinne Mazet, president of the FDACwarmly welcomed by Jean Hugon, president of the CCI du Lot, Salle Roger Estival of the CCI du Lot in Cahors, on May 27. Firstly, Mme Mazet listed the main commercial operations carried out in different points of the Lot: commercial weeks, events, Mother’s Day, fashion shows, sales days, animated windows, Pink October, Christmas… So many events carried out in partnership with the municipalities and the communities of municipalities and the Union des Entreprises Lotoises.

Ms. Mazet and Mr. Hugon ©Jean-Claude BONNEMÈRE

Dynamics of local commerce, thanks to associations

“I would like to thank all the traders and craftsmen who actively participate in the various operations carried out under the aegis of the FDAC member associations,” declared Jean Hugon for his part. The president of the CCI congratulates the president of the FDAC for her dynamism with the 19 associations of traders and craftsmen in the Lot. “Together, we go further!” » he recalls, emphasizing the role of the departmental federation. It underlines the importance of commerce and crafts in the departmental economic fabric and in terms of the vitality of rural areas.

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