Home detention and reimbursement for a Duhamel rotisserie fraudster

Judge Julie Beauchesne on Monday addressed the arguments of the defense which maintained that prison time was not necessary for Maryse Desrochers, 61 years old.

At the end of a three-day trial, the former administrative employee of the restaurant chain was found guilty of having appropriated several sums from orders paid in cash, in 2018 and 2019.

Me Marion Lequient, of the Crown, demanded nine months in prison while the defense, represented by Me Serge Michon, suggested instead a sentence of home detention with reimbursement.

Me Michon notably argued that his client, who had no criminal record, would not be able to repay the stolen sums if she were detained.


Maryse Desrochers (Alain Dion/La Voix de l’Est Archives)

After her dismissal from Duhamel, Ms. Dersrochers worked in a residence for the elderly, which is now closed, and is looking for a new job.

Breach of trust

His crime constituted a breach of trust on the part of a person in authority and “the owners felt betrayed,” said Judge Beauchesne.

“But it is a sentence that can be served at home,” ruled the judge. I consider that Madam does not represent a risk to society.”

She imposed a 15-month “suspended” prison sentence with a total ban on going out for the first eight months, except in exceptions such as work.

Maryse Desrochers will also have to repay $350 per month to her former employer during her sentence, and the rest during her three-year probation which will follow.


The Duhamel rotisseries offices in Granby. (Alain Dion/La Voix de l’Est)

Reimbursement that the accused has already started to make by giving the court registry a check for $800.

“If you do not pay, you will have an additional detention sentence of eight months in real prison,” warned Judge Beauchesne before closing the case.

“I hope this is the last time I see you [en cour].”

“I think she had her lesson”

The co-owner of Duhamel rotisseries, Andrée-Anne Duhamel, attended the sentencing at the Granby courthouse.

She said she was “satisfied” with the sentence since she did not want Ms. Desrochers to be incarcerated.

“I think she learned her lesson,” she said. Justice has been served.”

Security was reinforced in the offices of the Granby company after this mishap.

“We talked about it with the employees,” said Ms. Duhamel. No one wants to find themselves in the same situation.”



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