top start for the RN candidate in Lot-et-Garonne, “it’s going to go super quickly”

top start for the RN candidate in Lot-et-Garonne, “it’s going to go super quickly”
top start for the RN candidate in Lot-et-Garonne, “it’s going to go super quickly”

Outgoing MP in the 3rd constituency of Lot-et-Garonne, Annick Cousin, elected from the National Rally, and her team are organizing for the early legislative election campaign, which is a real race against time.

In Lot-et-Garrine, as everywhere on French territory, a race against time begins for the candidates for the early legislative elections, which will be held on June 30 and July 7.

After the dissolution of the National Assembly announced on Sunday by Emmanuel Marcron, the three elected officials of the department, including two from the National Rally, are putting their seats back into play.

This is the case of the outgoing RN deputy for the 3rd constituency, Annick Cousin. In 2022, she beat the LFI candidate in the second round with 58% of the votes. She hopes to repeat this performance. There is not a minute to lose for this. “It’s going to go really quickly, we’re going to have three weeks, that is to say two weekends,” warns Dorian, his campaign manager.

Annick Cousin’s team organizes itself before the launch of the campaign. “On Saturday, we should have leaflets to go to the Villeneuve sur Lot market, if possible?”, asks Dorian. Flavien, a young 22-year-old activist, is dedicated: “If you want, I can take care of the leaflets and posters.”

Favorite for re-election

Annick Cousin listens, takes notes and the former civil servant answers numerous phone calls. The last one was “a farmer who supports us”. On this rural land, the RN candidate has every intention of supporting strawberry or tomato producers, “abandoned by President Macron”, she says, before adding: “They must be able to live off their work, sell their production and that they do not face direct competition from Spain, Portugal or Morocco.”

With 38.62% of the votes, the Bardella list came well ahead on Sunday during the European elections in the Lot-et-Garonne department. In the coming hours, Annick Cousin will submit her candidacy, with great optimism.

“We will do everything to win! We will win as many seats as possible to bring Jordan to Matignon.”

Before that, Annick Cousin will have to block the way, in particular, for the former socialist mayor of Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Jérôme Cahuzac, candidate in this constituency, and determined to return to the hemicycle.

Jean-Wilfrid Forquès (with TRC)

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