Legislative. Who will be the three candidates of the National Rally in Deux-Sèvres?

Legislative. Who will be the three candidates of the National Rally in Deux-Sèvres?
Legislative. Who will be the three candidates of the National Rally in Deux-Sèvres?

Olivier Guibert, departmental delegate of the National Rally, will unsurprisingly be a candidate for the legislative elections in the 3e constituency of Deux-Sèvres. In 2022, he received 19.5% of the vote, missing qualification for the second round by barely 1,200 votes. No doubt he will seek, this time, to obtain his place as finalist by benefiting from the buoyant wave of Europeans. His replacement will be Charlotte Gicquel, responsible for the young RN of Deux-Sèvres.
This Monday, June 10, 2024, the two other candidates who will be in the running in Deux-Sèvres were revealed. Already invested in the 1D riding in 2022, Dorothée Champeau will team up with Frédéric Kuttler. She had received 12.9% of the votes in the first round, an insufficient level to reach the second.
Finally, Melody Garault will be the incumbent candidate in the 2nd district. The young woman works in the medical field in southern Deux-Sèvres. Stéphane Giroux, from Thénezay, will complete this pair as a substitute.

The aim is to reinforce Sunday evening’s vote by confirming the contempt for Emmanuel Macron’s policies on a national scale. , insists Olivier Guibert. These applications will be officially submitted to the prefecture in the coming days.



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